
How Tech is Shaping the Fashion World To Stay Trends-Ready

Ria Das
New Update
How Tech is Shaping the Fashion World To Stay Trends-Ready

Do you love shopping online? While on the screen we get glimpses of what’s hot or not, there’s a lot going on behind the scene. For those of us afflicted by curated clothes or designer’s choices and limited pockets, e-commerce bonding with technology is what we stylegoers swear by.


There are so many magical purchases we do by keeping a balance in mind. So the big online platforms quench our thirst for new trends, all the time. How, you ask?

In fashion industry to survive you need to be cutting age. There's no denying that the technology world is obsessed with fashion. So when these two collaborate you got yourself a new look just with a click. How exactly is technology being used to shape up the fashion space? We asked women in fashion.

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Pooja Saraf, Curative Designer of Zapyle says, “The reason landscape in India is changing now because of the boom of e-commerce companies. The leaders in the industry are making big bucks today. It’s not just convenient but online fashion stores are bringing consumer and designer closer. So any user can voice their opinion on designs, have a customized wear and so many other things that make technology a great source of a package deal. Even something as simple as Instagram where any designer can sell their products. So many stories are coming forward. So wouldn’t be biased to say this but fashion and technology go hand-in-hand these days. I mean, can you live a day without browsing your fav clothing app?”

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She also adds, “With using technology at such a high level, we are cleared what our customers want, what designs they prefer. So it’s all influential.”


Farah Magi, a Fashion Blogger thinks, “The more you see online, the more you’re aware of what kind of fashion is trending today. All thanks to technology, digital campaigns are on the rise too. The youth, especially, is always on Instagram and Facebook. So if a budding designer wishes to target a particular audience, today is the day. It’s so much easier to reach out to your loyal customer but also making some new ones. So, the digital field is growing big way and it is just a start. So if a brand of an individual designer wants to make an impact on the fashion industry, they need to be digitally savvy.”

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Sangeeta, an Art Director praises how fashion is using technology to shape the industry. She says, “Fashion is really enhanced by the digital medium because of its reach. We talk to the buyers and keep up the good trends and share the importance globally, making it a personal show for everybody".

A consumer Apurva says, “I have literally stopped going to physical shops when needed branded clothes. In searching for trendy fashionable wear, I always rely on online sites. It’s so easy and accessible to shop online.”

We catch up with Rashi Menda, Founder of Zapyle. She explains, “There are four different body types in India and every one of us has a different lifestyle, dissimilar preferences when it comes to choose the right wear. Catering to such large, wide audience, it becomes very difficult for any e-commerce fashion platform to provide so many options. Like Zapyle, other sites too use machines to capture more and more details about buyers. With the help of technology, today we have achieved a lot. Now we can match the product attributes to the preferences of the user.”

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We asked her how user interaction is a salvation to which she responded, “Today, we have a data per user that tells us their bond with us. What colour combination or style they are choosing every time they shop. Their feedback tells us where did we go wrong and how to bridge the gap by perfecting the imperfection. We are using that data again to implement and better the experience. It’s  a whole different game and only going forward.”

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she the people e-commerce fashion industry Rashi Menda women in fashion Zapyle shopping online online clothing fashion and technology