
Facebook To Launch Dating Services Soon: Mark Zuckerberg

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Facebook dating services

Unveiling a new plan, Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg on Tuesday (May 1) announced that the popular social networking site will soon include a new dating feature. He unveiled his plan during Facebook's annual developers' conference in San Jose, California.


This new feature will allow users to create a separate “dating” profile, which will not be visible to their network of friends. Zuckerberg has not mentioned whether the feature will be free or not. The feature will allow users to find their potential matches based on their dating preferences, mutual acquaintances, and points in common.

Zuckerberg said the new feature is equipped and built keeping privacy and safety concerns in mind.

“People already use Facebook to meet new people, and we want to make that experience better.”

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After creating a distinct and private dating profile, users will be able to check out groups or events. Your dating profile won't show up on your news feed or be visible to friends. It will be visible to only those using the dating service. After setting up a profile, one can browse events and groups based on location and interests. Once you ‘unlock’ an event you’re interested in or will be attending, you’ll be able to view the profiles of others who have unlocked that event. A private messaging feature will be available that won't be connected to Facebook's other messaging services.

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He asserted that this feature is not just for hook-ups, but for building meaningful, long-term relationships.

In presenting the new feature, 33-year-old CEO noted that one-in-three marriages in the United States start online. Also, some 200 million people on Facebook are identified as being single.

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Facebook has admitted that up to 87 million users may have had their data hijacked in the scandal last month. Personal data was used by a British political consultancy, Cambridge Analytica, which actually worked for Donald Trump’s 2016 election campaign. Addressing the audience, Zuckerberg said, "We need to make sure that never happens again."

He maintained that they are ensuring this won’t happen and are boosting the privacy protection. He also vowed to make privacy protection Facebook's topmost priority.

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More stories by Deepali

Deepali Is An Intern With SheThePeople.TV

Facebook privacy concerns dating service Mark Zuckerberg