
Andrew Tate & Dr Kirti Patel's Feud Fuels Unhealthy Online Discourse

The recent clash between former kickboxer Andrew Tate and Indian American doctor Kirti Patel has ignited a firestorm of controversy, exposing the darker side of online engagements.

Oshi Saxena
New Update

Image Credits - Twitter

In today's world of social media, clashes and controversies often unfold, shedding light on societal norms, personal choices, and the delicate balance between humour and sensitivity. Recently, Andrew Tate, a controversial figure in the social media sphere, set off a digital firestorm by deriding the appearance of Indian-American doctor Kirti Patel. This came after Dr. Patel openly expressed her view that Tate's sculpted physique is attractive to gay men. Known for his controversial stances on women, LGBT+ issues, and sexuality, Tate shared a shirtless photo on X (formerly Twitter) accompanied by a caption that certainly raised eyebrows: "I don't sleep with vaccinated women."


This heated exchange goes beyond a mere exchange of words. Initially centred around body image, it has unfolded on multiple levels, encompassing gender stereotypes, vaccination misconceptions, and a regrettable descent into personal attacks

The Provocation and Response

Kirti Patel, a medical influencer and gynaecologist, didn't hesitate to swipe at Tate's physique. Commenting on his photo, she suggested that his "body type may only be attractive to gay men." Patel went further, revealing that she had previously turned down dates with individuals sporting stereotypically ripped abs, deeming the physique suggestive of aggression and narcissism.

Dr Patel's statement, while rooted in personal preference, inadvertently perpetuated harmful gender stereotypes by associating a particular body type with the attraction of gay men. This generalization not only oversimplifies the diverse preferences within the gay community but also reinforces stereotypes that can lead to harmful misconceptions.


In a swift rebuttal, Tate retaliated by sharing a picture of Dr. Patel, ridiculing her appearance. "I'm super disappointed that I'm not attractive to you, Kirti. I was only trying to make my arms as big as your nose," he wrote, setting the tone for an escalating online feud.

Escalation and Online Attacks

Tate didn't halt at a single exchange; he continued his onslaught by sharing more pictures of Dr Patel and passing remarks on her choices. In subsequent tweets, he labelled himself as "funny" and "hilarious," coining the term "KIRTIUS" to mock Ms Patel. Adding to the derogatory remarks, Tate referred to her as a "disgusting nose guardian" before whimsically mentioning the late hour, insinuating he should retire for the night.


Andrew's countermove was not only retaliatory but also introduced a gender-specific dimension. He responded with a photo of Dr. Kirti, asserting his goal to achieve arms as substantial as her nose. This not only targeted her physical appearance but also introduced gendered stereotypes, perpetuating the harmful notion that a woman's worth can be equated to specific physical features.

His self-attributed titles, playfully coining the term "Kirtius," further escalated the situation, turning what could have been a constructive discourse into a form of online bullying. The derogative nature of the term and the focus on Dr Patel's nose not only undermined her professional standing but also brought gender-based body shaming to the forefront.

Individual Choices and the Danger of Generalization

Dr Patel's assertion that a particular body type might only be attractive to gay men raises concerns about perpetuating harmful stereotypes. By linking attractiveness to a specific physique and associating it with the preferences of a particular community, she inadvertently falls into the trap of generalization. The notion that a body type is exclusively appealing to gay men oversimplifies the diverse preferences within the gay community and reinforces stereotypes that can be demeaning.

It's crucial to recognize that individual preferences vary widely, irrespective of one's sexual orientation. What gay men, or any other group for that matter, find attractive is a personal choice, and attempting to pigeonhole an entire community based on a specific body type oversimplifies the complexity of individual preferences. This generalization reinforces stereotypes and perpetuates the notion that everyone within a certain group shares identical preferences.

Impact on Body Image and Self-Worth


The exchange between Andrew Tate and Dr Kirti Patel played out on a public platform, reflects a dangerous trend. Millions of men and women grapple with body image and self-worth issues, and the perpetuation of conversations that dictate specific beauty standards can have severe consequences. This type of discourse demands conformity to a certain body type, fostering an unhealthy environment that can contribute to low self-esteem on a significant scale.

Vaccination as a Parameter of Attractiveness?

Andrew Tate's comment on not sleeping with vaccinated women not only introduces a bizarre criterion for attractiveness but also demonstrates a lack of understanding of public health. Associating vaccination status with desirability perpetuates misinformation and adds an unnecessary layer of complexity to the already convoluted conversation. This aspect not only reflects a misogynistic viewpoint but also adds an element of public health concern. Misleading information about vaccinations can contribute to the spread of misinformation and impact public health efforts.

Tate's Controversial Persona

Notably, Andrew Tate, despite being a self-proclaimed misogynist, has amassed millions of followers by championing an ultra-masculine lifestyle. Critics argue that his narrative perpetuates the denigration of women, creating a polarized online community.

Amid a recent legal twist, a Bucharest court rejected Tate's plea to temporarily leave Romania, where he awaits trial on charges including human trafficking, rape, and forming a criminal gang to exploit women. Indicted in June alongside his brother Tristan and two Romanian female suspects, the Tate brothers, with dual U.S. and British citizenship, underwent periods of police custody and house arrest, ultimately being placed under judicial control.

The Andrew Tate vs. Dr. Kirti Patel saga serves as a stark reminder of the responsibility that comes with wielding influence on social platforms. Beyond the banter, the exchange touched upon issues ranging from gender stereotypes to the perpetuation of harmful beauty standards and misinformation about vaccination.

As consumers of online content, it is imperative to critically assess such interactions and foster a digital environment that promotes healthy discussions, respects individual choices, and refrains from perpetuating harmful stereotypes. The impact of social media extends far beyond our screens, influencing societal perceptions and contributing to collective consciousness. While navigating these digital landscapes, let us strive for a discourse that uplifts rather than demeans, and fosters understanding rather than perpetuates harmful norms.

Views expressed are the author's own.

Kirti Patel Gender stereotypes Indian american doctors Andrew Tate