
Telangana's Maternal Mortality Rate Dips, Nears UN Goal

New Update
Telangana Maternal Mortality Rate

The Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) has significantly dropped from 92 to 81 in Telangana. This figure marks the state's achievement since it is a few inches close to attaining the UN's Sustainable Development Goal.


Improvement in state key reason for MMR dip

As per the latest report released by Sample Registration System (SRS) for the period 2014-2016, the number of women dying during childbirth per 1 lakh live births in Telangana, stood at 81. The state is now inching closer to the 70 mark - a Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) set for the country. It dropped to 81 from 92 during the period 2011-2013.

The Ministry of Health, in a tweet, stated that ten states in India have achieved the Millennium Development Goal target for MMR. Telangana is one of these ten states.

On June 10, state health minister, C Laxma Reddy, acknowledged that improvement in Telangana was one of the primary reasons which led to the MMR drop in the entire country. Connecting the decline in the state to the recently launched KCR kits scheme, C Laxma Reddy tweeted, “Government of Telangana has also shown a remarkable decline in MMR and this contributed to the overall decline in MMR in India. The KCR Kit programme and strengthening of government hospitals have helped us achieve decline in infant mortality rate and maternal mortality rate.”

SRS is the largest demographic sample survey in the country providing direct estimates of maternal mortality.

Decline in rates across the country

According to the Sample Registration System (SRS) bulletin released, India has registered a significant decline in maternal mortality ratio (MMR) recording a 22 per cent reduction in such deaths since 2013.

Among the five southern states, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh registered a lower MMR when compared to Telangana. Only Karnataka among the southern states registered a higher MMR at 108. Overall in the southern states, MMR dropped by 17% and registered an average of 77.

The Maternal Mortality Ratio of India has declined from 167 in 2011-2013 to 130 in 2014-2016. The decline has been most significant in EAG states (comprising Bihar, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand) and Assam from 246 to 188. Among the southern states, the decline has been from 93 to 77. Kerala, with a drop from 61 to 46, has outperformed in this aspect and showcased a significant improvement.
The Maternal Mortality Ratio is the key indicator for efforts made to improve health and safety of mothers before, during, and after childbirth per country worldwide. MMR measures the quality of safe deliveries and maternal care. India’s healthcare services have been lagging in this respect when compared to neighbouring countries like China and Sri Lanka.
Bhawana is an intern with SheThePeople.TV
UN Sustainable development goal Telangana national sample survey Maternal mortality rate in india childbirth Maternal Mortality Rate women's health in india