
Smartphones As Personal Assistants? Bizwomen Discuss

Charvi Kathuria
New Update
Smartphones as personal assistants

The surge in the number of Indians owning smartphones is a testimony to the fact that gradually, these gizmos are becoming a part and parcel of our lives. Be it watching videos or listening to the latest songs, checking out information to offering seamless communication, smartphones have definitely become our personal assistants.


And if you are a working woman, then you can reap an umpteen number of benefits using your smartphone.

SheThePeople.Tv spoke to some women entrepreneurs to know the instrumental role smartphones play in handling their business and making their entrepreneurial journey easier.

Improved speed of work

"Smartphones help me to keep a check on all the operational management information systems. Many of the operational approvals can be given on smartphones. In fact, a lot of approving communication drafts along with images is only possible on a smartphone," explains Dr. Shikha Sharma, founder of Nutri Health.

She adds that smartphones are especially a boon during travel because they help to keep her informed about the day-to -day activities of the company via mails and WhatApp messages.

Sharma feels that the smartphone culture has increased the speed of decisions and improved the transparency of work


Great way to save paper

Retd Major Poonam Khot, who works towards providing health plans to people through her venture iFitin, says that smartphones have made her business "mobile". "Neither I nor the clients need to travel. They just talk on phone, share information on whatsapp or email and we are good to start. I actually carry my office on my phone on move," she says.

Khot shares the diet and fitness plans with her clients on their phones. It’s easy to access on smartphones without any login and is a great way to save paper.

"It makes my life easy, saves time and money for me as well for my clients," - Poonam Khot

Read Also: Digital Detox: Know How It Helps These Bizwomen


Smartphone - the right arm

"From marking my calendar for scheduled meetings for Rugs and Beyond to discussing day-to-day activities with the team on Whatsapp on a real-time basis, my iPhone is literally my right arm. Moreover, we deal with a lot of customers overseas, especially in the US, UK etc. so communicating via Whatsapp certainly makes it easier for us and them," shares Sakshi Talwar, co-founder of Rugs and Beyond.

Helps achieve perfect work-life balance

Nishat Mukaddam, founder of, believes that the smartphone helps her achieve the perfect work-life balance.

"As an entrepreneur, we need to multitask and perform responsibilities in multiple roles. Today, I can go for a business meeting and do my operational duties over the phone while travelling. This saves a lot of time and makes the communication quicker," she says.

Sakshi Talwar Nishat Mukaddam tech women women entrepreneurs smartphones Poonam Khot personal assistants.