Eid Al Fitr is the festival that marks the end of Ramzan, the holy month of fasting. Eid Al Fitr is the first day of the month Shawwal. The date of this festival is decided by the lunar calendar.
After a whole month of Ramadan, the day the fasting ritual is broken is termed as Eid. Traditionally people greet each other by the saying “Eid Mubarak.”
So why is this celebrated?
It is celebrated to show gratitude to Allah for being a constant guide during the month of fasting. Most people also go to the mosque, to pray and ask for forgiveness. It is also celebrated by carrying out acts of charity towards the underprivileged strata of society. This is called Zakat Al Fitr.
Eid also signifies the “communication with the celestial spirit and religious merits, characterised by sacrifice, self-discipline, and charity. With fasting, prayers, and charity, one becomes a modest person and attains self-control.”
This day is dedicated to the greatness and the celebration of God. People show gratitude to Allah and ask for their sins to be forgiven.
This day is dedicated to the greatness and the celebration of God. People show gratitude to Allah and ask for their sins to be forgiven. They pray and hope that due to their fasting in the holy month of Ramzan, their sins shall be forgiven. Muslim’s thank Allah for giving them the strength to fast and perform good deeds during the month.
The history
Most people don’t know history Eid, in general. Here is what Islamic scholar Shaikh Zafarul Hasan Madni said:
“Eid began from the time Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) migrated to Madinah from the holy city of Makkah, when he found people celebrating two specific days as Eid. They had carnivals and festivities to mark their New Year and another to celebrate the date from when days became shorter and nights longer. Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) told them: that instead of those two days, Allah has appointed two other days which are better, the days of Eid Al Fitr and Eid Al Adha. From that day onwards, Muslims worldwide celebrate these two days.”
The traditions
Madni also spoke regarding the traditions followed during this auspicious day. He said:
“The way of our dear Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) was that he would take a bath, brush his teeth, wear good clothes, and apply perfume and then proceed to the Eid grounds for the Eid prayers. He would eat something sweet (preferably dates), before proceeding with the prayers.”
The main message that goes out to the world on Eid is that of love, peace, unity and brotherhood. This is congruent with the manner in which the celebration of this festival begins.
This festival is about peace and uniting everyone by the love people have for Allah. The main message that goes out to the world on Eid is that of love, peace, unity and brotherhood. This is congruent with the manner in which the celebration of this festival begins. In an open ground where everyone, men, women and children alike greet each other and pray behind each other.
Today, marks the day of Eid Al Fitr. So wishing you all Eid Mubarak!
Read also - From Iftaari Prep To Eid – Muslim Women Tell Us Their Ramzan Memories
Kavya Shah is an intern at SheThePeople.Tv