For the longest time, women have not been allowed to offer namaz inside a mosque. This was not due to Quaran saying that this was wrong, but because of gender inequality.
Finally, the Khanquah Munemia and Masjid located in Patna, has decided to give women the respect and the rights they deserve. The mosque has started creating a facility for women to pray during the holy month of Ramzan. Ramzan will start from the May 6. This mosque is a famous Sufi centre situated at Mitan Ghaat in Patna.
Women will be allowed to enter Taraweeh Ki Dua. These are special prayers which take place in the mosque in the holy month. Not only will women be allowed to offer namaz, but the Mitan Ghaat mosque is calling an exclusive Haafiz for them. A Haafiz is an expert on the Quran!
The first floor will be dedicated to the women and the ground floor will be for the men to offer namaz. Though the Quaran does not mention that women will not be allowed inside a mosque, it however mentions that women will have to perform few ritualistic purification or ablutions before the prayers begin. This is an imperative part of the religion.
Akhtari Beghum, a social activist said that this step taken by this mosque “supports and promotes Muslim women’s rights.” She further had explained that “Women need such kind of arrangements, ambience and promotions to visit the home of Allah quite often to offer prayers.”
This mosque is famous, not only for creating space for women to pray. But also because the mosque enshrines the tomb of Sufi saints and scholars - Mulla Mitan and Hazrat Makhdoom Munem Pak. This mosque is also popular because it has important manuscripts and many books on Sufism. Due to this, the mosque attracts several visitors, both muslim and non-muslim. Notably this is one of the first women friendly mosques.
Hazrat Syed Shah Shamimuddin Ahmad Munemi and Sajjada Nashin, the administrative heads of the mosque had said:
“In the coming months, this Khanquah will turn into a University on Sufism. We have a plan to promote harmony between communities and also highlight the shared culture of this country through this Sufi study centre. At the same time, we are also aware of the expectations and aspirations of women in our community and want them to feel what Islam has for them.”
This step is important as it promotes equality of both genders. Being able to pray where you want is a basic right, which will now be provided to muslim women in this mosque in Patna.
Read also: Muslim Women’s Opinion Is Vital In Debate Over Wearing Burkha
Kavya Shah is an intern at SheThePeople.Tv