
Advertisements: How Some Manipulate Choices and Should be Ignored

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Indian advertisements are a mixed bag of drama, emotions, unrealistic expectations, miracles and social messages.  It, is an amalgamation of features of all medium. One thing that imprints advertisements in our mind is it's short and influencing character. Since advertisements are fillers, they target the audience with one aspect of the product and hook them to the brand. There are ethical issues in every field. In advertisements, we have ethical issues related to stereotypes, misrepresentation, concealment of truth, puffery, weasel claims and so on. To identify these one should become an active audience from a passive one.


Also Read: Advertisements: Non-conventional Ads that deserve all our attention!

Here are certain things that one should avoid paying attention to as these affect one’s psyche.

Women have to be super fit, beautiful and always decked up as this only attracts the attention of their partners.

Look at any advertisements that have to deal with looks and fitness. The only secret to attracting your partners is to look perfect from every angle. How many women have the time to look like the models on tv?

The only thing that men need is a good Deo to keep the ladies coming to them.

Women don’t care about your intellect, your thoughts and personality. All they care about to like men enough is a good deodorant.  Any thoughts ladies?


Isn’t daughter interested in marriage? Take her to the jewellery shop.

No matter how much a daughter might be stubborn as to not get married. Don’t fret parents, drive her along a jewellery shop and the deal is sealed!

Sanitary pads = Secret to every women’s success.

Oh! The PMS, cramps and all other pain just vanishes with wearing sanitary pads. We can do miracles in our professional life with sanitary pads. It has nothing to do with us but just the product.

Fairness cream makes you beautiful and absolutely confident.

Can’t sing, dance, study? No worries. We got you the world’s best fairness cream that will make you confident to face any challenge. You become white as the wall and everything else follows.


Women bond with other women especially over Hair related issues.

Mother-daughter, sisters, mother-in-law and daughters-in-law and every relationship that women have with other women are governed with Hair issues. The long absolute perfect hair which looks nothing like an artificial one can be acquired by using the right product. Women don’t have any other issue. Hair is the problem of the century.

No matter what, women will always do the household chores.

CEO, working women, house-wife – doesn’t matter. All household advertisements target women because they are entitled to do all the household chores.

Haven’t bonded well with your wife? A ring will do all the magic!

Awkwardly arranged marriages or anything that’s stopping the bond between a couple? Don’t worry. A fancy ring to the rescue!


Gift chocolates to your female partners. It increases the chance for the next step.

Girls go crazy over chocolates. Trying to impress girls? Give a chocolate and she is all yours.

Problem with household products? An expert with a bunch of media people is due to arrive any moment to solve it.

Ladies, having problems solving the major issues of the household? Expert and media outside your house to solve the problem!

When we pay extra attention to such popular representations, we easily find the loopholes in it. This is the reason why we should all be active consumers. Come on ladies, don’t let any product define you, your personality, your features, your confidence and success.  I believe that we are perfect the way we are and nothing should intimidate us to cover something up to look better for the world.

Also Read: H&M Closes Stores Across South Africa After Protests Over Racist Ad

women in advertisements sexism in advertisement Portrayal of Indian women in advertisements stereotypes in advertisements