Many a times when people write, they write because they want it to be read. But does that mean they always write from their heart? If I were to give advice to the younger writer in me, I would ask her to win over fear and be honest with her words. We asked women writers from all genres to share writing tips and suggestions.
Imperfection is okay – Strive for a good story
Now this is something a writer has to go through many a times - a fight against perfection. Author Sudha Menon aptly says that one should write what she feels strongly in the gut and the right words shall follow. A good story written well will automatically pull the reader’s attention.
Discipline and fearlessness
Rakhee Panth says she would advise her younger self to be more disciplined about the writing routine. To not hesitate to experiment with the writing, and to not judge the writing even before it's written.
Never to give up on writing
A thought Natasha Sinha has beautifully put up, when asked about the topic. She says,"to never stop writing come what may.Take pride in your writing because it's unique and it stands out for what it is. And never be dissuaded by a one off critique. You can only hone your skills as you continue to write regularly and diligently."
Belief is essential
Sometimes it does take long to realize the blessings we have and the role they are meant to play. Though it's never too late, but we still feel things could be better if the realization entered a little early. The idea is to trust the instincts, as and when they occur and believe in them for they never betray.
Read- Deep and wide
Sonia Rao says, "Read a lot. Read deep and wide. Read poetry. Keep a pen and paper always handy to capture your ideas. Write everyday and without inhibitions."
To Write from Heart
Well, this is something I strongly believe in and perhaps so does, Bali Sanghvi. The Kolkata based self published author says, Let not “thinking of the correct word” stop you from sharing what or who the real you is. Let not anything or any rejection stop you.
Pen it down-You are young yet
While time and the experiences that come along with it make a person wiser, they also does make a person older. So the moments that you live as a young soul has got a level of energy which is irreplaceable. This brilliant thought has been very precisely and beautifully put by Alisha Kirpalani. She says “While you may get wiser, you will also get older. Write now !”
If you too are a writer, share with us what advice would you like to give to your younger self.
Pranju Daftari an intern with SheThePeople.TV
Read also :Writing routine secrets – What does it take to follow a plan?