
How Protein Hydrates Your Skin For A Radiant Glow

Protein isn't just something your body uses to build muscle. Surprisingly, this power nutrient also plays a crucial role in maintaining your skin's hydration. Let's delve into how protein achieves this to help you better understand your skin's needs.

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Protein isn't just something your body uses to build muscle. Surprisingly, this power nutrient also plays a crucial role in maintaining your skin's hydration. Let's delve into how protein achieves this to help you better understand your skin's needs. "Our skin is primarily composed of proteins, specifically collagen and elastin. These proteins are essential to build the structure of our skin and to make it resilient," says Chahat Vasdev at Gytree women's health.


Elastin gives it elasticity, enabling the skin to return to its original shape after being stretched or contracted and that comes from consistent use of protein.

With the rapid breakthrough of medicine in prolonging human life and the rapid deterioration of environmental conditions, it has become urgent to find safe and effective methods to treat skin ageing. And in that respect it’s important to understand the protein impact on skin and texture.

"When skin is adequately hydrated, it's more plump and resilient. This is due, in part, to an ingredient in the skin called hyaluronic acid, which is a protein that attracts and holds onto water," - Skin care expert

When protein is digested, it breaks down into amino acids. These amino acids are then used in the creation of new proteins, amongst which are those that make up the skin's structure. They have hygroscopic properties, which means they can absorb water from their surrounding environment, helping in skin hydration significantly. 

How protein impact on skin plays out

Collagen: This protein helps form a fibrous network of cells in the dermis (the second layer of skin), on which new cells can grow. A sufficient supply of proteins can enhance the hydration level of the skin. 


Elastin: This protein allows the skin to resume its shape after stretching or contracting. It also helps keep the skin hydrated by enabling the skin to retain moisture.

Keratin: This is the structural protein that makes up the outer layer of your skin and acts as a barrier to prevent moisture loss and protect the skin from external aggressors.

"I have been using this plant protein and it has been great for my skin for two reasons," says Madhura Mittal from Kolkata. "It's excellent for digestive systems and ensures that your natural processes are in good shape and it also adds better skin texture with additional adaptogens." Mittal is not alone.

Protima Mandhar from Chandigarh admits she was too reliant on skin care routines for glow. "There is only that much you can do with products that are applied. We need to boost skin health from within."

Understanding your skin's protein needs and how to meet them can take your skincare routine to the next level of effectiveness. Supporting a healthy intake of proteins in your diet can enhance your skin’s hydration, resilience, and overall health.

protein for women Protein impact on Skin