
Endometriosis: Everything You Need To Know About It

About 25 Million Indian women are subject to Endometriosis and around 200 million women all over the world are affected by it.

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What Is Endometriosis And Process
Endometriosis Awareness Month: All you need to know. Endometriosis is a disorder wherein tissue that usually lines the uterus grows outside the uterus. In such a case, the tissue is found on the ovaries, fallopian tubes or the intestines.

People with the condition may experience pain in the lower abdomen, lower back, pelvis, rectum or vagina during sexual intercourse or defecating. It also leads to abnormal, heavy or irregular menstruation accompanied by pain. The condition can also cause spotting and infertility. About 25 Million Indian women are subject to Endometriosis and around 200 million women all over the world are affected by it. In the month of march, awareness regarding the condition is spread through fundraisers and marches. Thus, March is also called the Endometriosis awareness month.

Endometriosis Causes

  • Retrograde menstruation: When menstrual blood consisting of endometrial cells flows back into the pelvic cavity through the fallopian tubes, it is known as retrograde menstruation. The endometrial cells, stick to the pelvic walls and surfaces of pelvic organs. They grow there and thicken and bleed with every menstrual cycle.
  • Peritoneal cells transformation: Peritoneal cells are the cells which line the inner side of the abdomen. Experts say that immune factors or hormones promote the transformation of these cells into the endometrial-like cells.
  • Transformation of embryonic cell: During puberty, hormones such as estrogen can transform embryonic cells, that is, cells in the initial stage of development into endometrial-like cell implants.
  • Surgical scar implantation: In case of surgeries such as hysterectomy or C-section, endometrial cells can get attached to a surgical incision.
  • Transport of endometrial cells: Endometrial cells may get transported to other parts of the body through the blood vessels or tissue fluid.
  • Immune system disorder: When the immune system of the body faces a problem, it is unable to recognise and destroy endometrial-like tissue growing outside the uterus.

Risk factors

The following factors may place one at the risk of developing endometriosis:

  • Onset of periods at an early age
  • Having menopause at an older age
  • Short menstrual cycles.
  • Heavy periods lasting for more than a week
  • Low body mass index
  • Abnormalities in the reproductive tract
  • Relatives such as mother, aunt etc with the condition
  • Medical condition preventing the normal flow of menstrual blood outside the body

Endometriosis and PCOS

While Endometriosis is associated with excess estrogen, PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) is a result of excess androgens. One can have both the conditions at the same time but their causes and symptoms are different. Dr. Sudeshna Ray, Senior Consultant Obs & Gyn talks to SheThePeople about the commonly asked questions regarding PCOS. It is a genetic imprint or genetic coding that a girl is born with. The common symptoms, she says include the following:

  • Irregular periods or two frequent periods in a month.
  • Stubborn acne or breakout
  • Hairy face
  • Struggle to lose weight
  • Dark patches on the skin

Dr. Ray says that most cases of PCOS can be managed by dietary modification or incorporation of healthy habits in lifestyle. But some women may need medication. These can be hormonal, non hormonal, in the form of nutritional supplement or other medications. Doctors take such decisions after carrying out certain tests and balancing the pros and cons.

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