
Common Questions Around PCOD, PCOS Answered in a Simple Way

In the last few decades, PCOD or PCOS have become common conditions for women in India. We break down all questions women go to doctors for. With a doc!

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In the last few decades, PCOD or PCOS have become a very common condition. So today, here I am, as your doc, helping you answer some common questions around PCOD. This has become a major issue that a huge number of young women in India presently face. PCOD full form ? Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD) or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a disorder of the endocrine system, while PCOD is a condition developed by the imbalance of hormones. These have many different symptoms that can depend on different individuals. But broadly, here is what you should know.


Common Questions Around PCOD, PCOS Answered in a Simple Way

How do I know I have PCOS?

You will face either 2 or 3 of the following symptoms:

  1. Irregular periods
  2. Stubborn breakouts/acne not responding to usual remedies
  3. A hairy face needing threading or laser /waxing frequently
  4. Being overweight or a struggle to lose weight
  5. Dark patches on the skin with or without hair fall.

Why does one have PCOS?

It’s a genetic imprint or coding that a girl is born with. Most of them will hence have a similar pattern running in the other women of the family on either the mum or Daddys side


Can Junk food cause PCOS?

Fortunately or unfortunately NO. Junk food or unhealthy lifestyle might not be the reason to cause PCO in someone whos not born with that coding but can definitely bring out the symptoms of PCOD if the girl has the genetic imprint on her already

Does a breakout always means its PCOD?

Not necessarily. It's likely to be PCOD if the breakouts are:

  1. More Around the jawline cheeks, chin and upper neck
  2. Large in size and in clusters
  3. Painful and tender to touch
  4. Persisting beyond the teens
  5. Is associated with irregular periods

Can one have PCOS even if one is thin and lean?


Yes she can. 5 percent of all lean women can have PCOS. 20 to 30 percent of PCOS are in women with average weight or lean.

Does PCOS need to be managed by a strict diet?

Not at all. There’s no need of a deprived dieting the management of PCOS. A stern diet which is deprived of all that one likes is definitely going to help her lose weight but not correct PCOS. It should be balanced in moderation and well thought over. Combined with some form of physical exercise is all that is needed

Is it a must to go to Gym for PCOS?

Again not at all. Any form of physical exercise is good enough. One that you would like and hence would keep on doing as a regular lifestyle. Examples dancing/ cycling/ walking/ running/ sports- any form will do. Also does not need to be one form.

Is PCOS always be treated with hormonal treatment?


Not always. Most of them can be managed very well with only healthy changes in the lifestyle. A few would need medications either in form of hormones or non hormones. This decision your doctor will take after running some specific tests on you and then balancing the pros and cons

Common Questions Around PCOD, iron Fitness 2021, exercise goal new year Picture Credit: Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

Can I get pregnant naturally if I have PCOS?

That’s strangely a very common concern even in young girls or mothers of adolescents. Let me tell you that 90 percent women with PCOS will have no trouble in conceiving provided they have a good control on the condition, be it with only lifestyle or with the combination of lifestyle and medications.

How does one cure PCOS, PCOD?

PCOS or PCOD is a condition…it’s not a disease. It’s a tendency. Which means that it might not have a cure but can be very well controlled; earlier the better. Its like Jack in the box. Keep a tight lid on it, it will not trouble you at all. Leave the lid loose it will spring up and start bothering you. So don’t just label yourself as a PCOS. Know about it; learn how to get a control over it and thus enjoy an optimum healthy life.


Dr Sudeshna Ray is gynaecologist in Mumbai. Views expressed are author's own

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