
Watch: Netizens Are Not Happy With Woman's On-Road Omelette Prep

A woman's peculiar culinary adventure of making an omelette on a piping hot road amidst rising heat waves has captured the attention of social media users.

Pavi Vyas
New Update

Woman's On-Road Omelette Stint In Heatwaves Creates Online Scramble (Image: IG/@tejalmodi454)

India has been hit with a severe heatwaves crisis this year recording the hottest temperature ever. Climate change and uneven warming have been attributed as the cause of these deadly heatwaves. The scorching heat has not bestowed mercy even on the biggest celebrities with access to facilities as many, from politician and union minister Nitin Gadkari to superstar Shah Rukh Khan were reported to be admitted due to heatstrokes. Now, a woman's peculiar culinary adventure of making an omelette on a piping hot road amidst rising heatwaves has captured the attention of social media users.  


Woman's On-Road Omelette Stint In Heatwaves Creates Online Scramble

The clip, which has garnered over eight million views, shows the unidentified woman, dressed in red attire and headwear, squatting by the roadside to delve into a bizarre culinary adventure.

The woman can be seen cooking an omelette directly on asphalt warmed by the scorching heat. She can be seen pouring water on the road and then cleaning it with her headwear using it as a cleaning cloth. She then pours the oil on the road and spreads it using her hands to season the road, which she uses as a pan. She then cracks the two eggs directly on the hot asphalt. 

While the final results of whether the omelette was cooked or not were shown, the video still managed to garner 8 million views since it was posted on social media and has outraged many netizens. The video uploader also condemned the video in the caption as they claimed the video to be a quest for social media popularity and numbers. 

The video mostly prompted negative comments as a user wrote: "It would have been nicer if the woman had just made the omelette at home and given it to someone who doesn't have much to eat."

Another user pointed out: "This is not at all safe for the drivers on the road, and a two-wheeler can have accidents at any moment. Stop this foolish act at once."


Earlier a BSF Jawan in Rajasthan's Bikaner, on the borders of Pakistan and India roasted papad as the temperatures in some regions soared as high as 48 degrees Celsius. To demonstrate the intensity of the heat and our soldier's living conditions a soldier can be seen roasting papad in sand and by the end of the video the soldier can be seen crushing the roasted papad in hot sand to demonstrate it to be fully cooked just in few seconds. The video again elicited internet reactions when many expressed their gratitude and respect for the Indian Army while few pointed out that the papad could have been eaten by someone instead of wasting it. 

Both videos are attempts to demonstrate rising heatwaves in India, however, there must be a line between creative and educative online content and dangerous stunts that can cause harm to one as well as others must be avoided. It raises questions about the lengths people are willing to go to for viral fame and the potential consequences of such actions. 

Watch the video here



viral videos online Cooking on road Heatwaves in India