
US Blogger Sells Home For $14,000 Facelift To Look 20 Years Younger

Inspired by a desire to reclaim youth, blogger Kelly Beasley, 50, sells her house for a $14,000 facelift in Mexico. Embracing her look, she challenges the stigma surrounding plastic surgery, advocating for self-transformation and empowerment.

Harnur Watta
New Update
Kelly Beasley, 50, sold her house to go under the knife

Kelly Beasley, 50, sold her house to go under the knife

In a world where appearance plays a significant role in how we perceive ourselves and others, the decision to undergo plastic surgery can be a deeply personal and empowering choice. Kelly Beasley, a 50-year-old blogger from Lake Tahoe, California, decided to sell her house to afford a $14,000 facelift, a choice that she claims has left her feeling more fabulous than ever before.

Kelly's journey towards plastic surgery began in her late 20s when she started getting Botox to maintain her youthful appearance. Recognising that fillers alone would not yield the desired results, she started researching facelift options. 

Her search for a suitable plastic surgeon in the US led her to astronomical quotes ranging from $50,000 to $60,000, leaving her disheartened. 

However, her perception changed when she came across a TikTok video of a woman discussing her successful plastic surgery experience in Tijuana, Mexico, for a fraction of the cost. 

With a combination of courage and cautious optimism, Kelly joined a Facebook group to learn about other women's experiences. After receiving a quote for $14,000 and successfully selling her house, she was able to fund the surgery.

In February 2023, Kelly made the life-changing decision to undergo an extended facelift, neck lift, lip lift, and fat transfer from her thighs. Her recovery was smooth, and after wearing a "face bra" for two weeks, she claims to have fully regained her youthful appearance. 

Kelly is effusive in her praise of the results, expressing delight at looking 20 years younger according to strangers' compliments. 


She believes she looks better now than she did in her 30s, attributing her satisfaction to the "natural" outcome of the surgery. However, she admits that adjusting to her new appearance initially posed challenges as her brain needed time to acclimate to the changes.

Kelly's journey to her new look was not without sacrifices. She sold her house to finance the life-changing surgery, embracing life on the road, and travelling full-time in a van. But for Kelly, the trade-off was well worth it. 

Kelly's journey highlights the positive aspects of plastic surgery, as she feels more confident and embraces her natural-looking transformation. Kelly's openness about her plastic surgery journey extends to advocating for the destigmatisation of cosmetic procedures. 

She highlights the double standards faced by individuals who choose or abstain from such treatments, emphasising that personal choices should be respected without judgment. For Kelly, embracing plastic surgery is part of her pursuit of living a fabulous life on her terms.

It's essential to recognise that plastic surgery, like any choice we make about our appearance, is deeply personal. For some, it may not be the right path, but for others like Kelly, it has been an empowering experience.

The stigma around plastic surgery


The topic of plastic surgery often ignites debates and judgments in society. Some argue that extensive cosmetic procedures can lead to insecurity or vanity, while others criticize those who choose not to alter their appearance, branding them as having "let themselves go." 

This dichotomy can be exhausting for individuals seeking to balance societal expectations and personal desires.

Society's obsession with youthfulness shouldn't dictate how we choose to express ourselves. Instead, we should embrace the freedom to make our own decisions about our bodies and appearance without shame or judgment.

It is essential to recognise that plastic surgery is not a one-size-fits-all solution and that societal attitudes towards cosmetic procedures can vary. 

The key lies in promoting open discussions about self-image and providing a supportive environment where individuals can feel empowered to make decisions based on their preferences and values.

As Kelly basks in her newfound confidence and looks forward to living her most fabulous life, her journey encourages us to reflect on the meaning of true beauty and the significance of self-acceptance. 


By respecting each person's autonomy over their appearance, we can collectively foster a culture of inclusivity and understanding, where everyone can embrace their unique journey towards self-expression.

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Views expressed by the author are their own

plastic surgery #TikTok Kelly Beasley Facelift