
Not Hot Pink, Not Magento Pink — It's A Red Flag If Your Partner Does These Things

When things aren't going well, you should always be on the lookout for warning signs in your partner's actions. The sooner you recognize them, the sooner you can work to end the relationship or attempt to settle problems without hurting anyone.

Priya Prakash
New Update
Red Flag In Your Gf
The goal of a relationship is to bring you contentment, comfort, and any other positive outcomes you might imagine. You must check that relationship when it's the other way around. Our mental health should come first, and if the relationship's influences cause it to deteriorate, you should think about quitting the connection.

When things aren't going well, you should always be on the lookout for warning signs in your partner's actions. The sooner you recognise them, the sooner you can work to end the relationship or attempt to settle problems without hurting anyone.

Here are seven of the most common red flags in women that many boyfriends mistake for regular behaviour but that actually destroy everything you hold.

7 Red Flag In Your Gf That You Should Never Ignore:

When She's Not Over Her Ex

It's so typical for us all to have thoughts of killing our ex at one point or another. In a similar vein, keeping good relations with one's ex is quite common these days. Her constant communication with her recent ex, however, is not normal or typical and suggests that the ">relationship may not be entirely over. You should be ready for the possibility that you might end up being "the rebound boyfriend," since it's likely to happen.

When Her Obsession Becomes Overdominance


If your girlfriend has now become obsessed with you, that does not mean she is a red flag. She has become so because you were the one who was obsessed with her, and there are chances that this made her feel that this relationship is so vital. There's a possibility that this has made her believe that this relationship is so important. She became much more attentive to you as a result.

However, if her obsession becomes so intense that she begins to control what you should do in your life and even dominates her thoughts over yours, she has developed a dominating personality, which is not a positive trait.

When She Avoids Being Accountable

If, in fact, your girlfriend is the victim in every single story she tells or in every argument you have, something is definitely amiss. It's not like women don't make mistakes or are the only victims every time. We make mistakes, and the right practice is to just accept them, come up with a logical explanation for them, and then apologise if needed. At the very least, doing that will help to resolve the conflict.

However, if your girlfriend does not admit it and then, in the face of conflict, especially when you are certain she is at fault, she is not ready to admit it and instead blames you for her own errors, you can call her a walking red flag.

When She Never Compromises


Maintaining your individual values, views, ideas, and preferences while still reaching an amicable agreement is worthwhile. Compromise does not mean that you agree with your partner fully or that they agree with you. But if she never gives in sticks to her superiority, and tries to manipulate you into any situation she deems suitable, next time, be prepared to resist manipulation and adhere firmly to your own opinions and preferences.

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It's not that she doesn't want to make adjustments and reach an acceptable solution; it's simply that compromising isn't always simple or something we naturally know how to do effectively. Be patient, but if no changes happen, you should definitely choose distinct ways.

When She's Not On The Same Page


Men have created the perception that women love drama, and they think that everything we say or do is just another way for us to stir up some drama so that we can have a good talky session with our closest friends about it. Leaving this stereotype aside, if your girl has issues that keep her from enjoying the peaceful and loved-up feeling of a lovely existence full of stability, then she genuinely enjoys drama. We've already mentioned that drama is problematic and should be avoided at all costs.

 When There Is An Issue She Stonewalls You

Finally, if your partner exhibits a few red flags, don't just disappear or try to ghost them; this is also a red flag. Sit and talk, but if your partner is quiet, preoccupied, or otherwise avoids your questions or comments, you should take a break. Because this stonewalling will ultimately result in gaslighting.  She is attempting to gaslight you, and when she comes back days or weeks later, she will disregard your emotions and thoughts and make you feel foolish for even attempting to be heard in your relationship.

Views expressed by the author are their own

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red flags in relationships