
Break Up Like A Gentleman: A Guide For Not Being A D***

Shivangi Mukherjee
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Break Up Like A Gentleman
If you've been meaning to have that dreaded conversation but don't know how to, I hope this gives you some direction to do the right thing and break up like a gentleman.

People have more on their plates than they let on. Whatever kind of relationship one is in casual or committed, breaking up with some kindness never hurt anyone.

Sometimes people delay difficult conversations because they do not appreciate the possible outcome. However, drawing out a difficult conversation is never a wise decision when it's eventually meant to take place.

How To Break Up Like A Gentleman

Have That Conversation

The first step in breaking up is deciding to have that conversation and when to have that conversation. It's best to rip off the bandaid than let the other person live in an elusive bubble of what the relationship looks like.

How To Have That Conversation

Breaking up over a text or a call is not an ideal situation. The person on the other end might feel like you imposed a decision on them without checking in with them first. Therefore having a cordial conversation about why the relationship is not working out for you is a better way of ending things than autocratically stating your views and cutting the person off. However, the latter might prove a useful way of breaking up if you are engaged with a person that threatens your safety. Minimal contact in those circumstances is a safe way to end things.

Checking In 

This is one of the healthiest ways to break up. Checking in on where you're at in your relationship with your partner occasionally keeps them in the loop with your thoughts. They know what you're thinking and where you're at in the relationship and vice-versa. In all probability, you might be able to resolve issues and it might not get to a breakup. Even when/if it does get to one, your partner will see it coming and won't feel like the notion has been thrown on them all of a sudden.

Body Contact

Well, this one is strictly subjective to the situation and the persons involved. However, body contact usually makes a person feel safe and more open. Holding someone's hand while you break up might be a good way to end things if you share a healthy relationship with the person. They might feel a little more connected with you and more open to listening to you.

Do Not Mince Your Words

The person on the other end deserves to know why things aren't working out. Therefore, you must give them an honest picture of why you decided to make the call to end the relationship from your end. Directness does not necessitate you being rude. Choose your words carefully and with kindness because once spoken they cannot be taken back. Hold eye contact with them while having the conversation because averting your gaze or looking away might seem like you're giving something else your attention and might communicate disrespect.

Suggested Reading: Beyond Ice-Cream Tubs And Tissue Boxes: 5 Tips To Survive A BreakUp

breakups and relationships Break Up Like A Gentleman