
Sureshot Ways To Save Money To Execute Travel Plans

Rachna Chandira
New Update
Shraddha Pandre, Saving Money Travel

The recent years have made travelling a very ubiquitous lifestyle. Somehow the solution to every problem in your life is to take a trip. Yes, travelling is ‘the cool’ thing and personally, it means a lot to have that vacation but are our income and pocket money enough to sustain that lifestyle? May or may not be but saving wisely can help you travel to your dream destination. Here are a few ways to help save enough for travelling :


Create a travel account

As a long-term solution, keep a little portion of your monthly income solely for travel purpose. Let it accumulate. This budget helps in a great way to plan a full-fledged no cash-crunch trip that you can enjoy guilt free.

Substitute with other things

To achieve something, you have to let go of the other. Think of the previous travel experience you had and how it made you feel. To have it again, you have got to trade off. Substituting watching movies in theatres or attending concerts for travelling is a small but instant measure to add up your travel account.

A greater control on spending

If you are planning a travel in a very short time, control your spending as much as possible. A minimalist lifestyle in general is a great way to live life. Get attached to moments and not things. A few ways in which I curtail spending is stopping myself from unnecessary shopping. Eat homemade food instead of restaurants and cafes and ask before spending whether you really need it.


Finally, a budgeted trip

To have a budgeted trip, various ways are possible. Substituting cars with local transport, living in homestays or hostels, booking tickets early and travelling in a group minimizes the cost per head. Asking locals for advice has always helped to make the trip customized and burn a smaller hole in the pocket.

There are people who live to travel and can do anything to be out on an unknown trail. Travellers like Shivya Nath have faced a rollercoaster journey of ups and down to live their passion. Saving effectively is a way for those who want to balance their routine and their wanderlust desires. Saving for something as meaningful as travelling is also a regret-free decision to make and holds the potential to change your life forever.

Also Read: Women-Led Companies Are Changing The Travel Industry

Rachna Chandira is an intern with SheThePeople.Tv

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