
Sitapur Skater Girl And Other Saree Slayers Who Prove That Dreams Don't See Dress

From the Sitapur skater girl to a grandma bowling a strike in a saree, women of all ages are showing that dress doesn't come in the way of dreams.

Tanvi Akhauri
New Update
sitapur skater girl

The video of the young Sitapur skater girl that is taking social media by storm has turned out to be mid-week motivation for many. The 11-year-old, donning a pink saree and rollerskates, glided through the streets of Ramkot village in Uttar Pradesh to spread COVID-19 and vaccine awareness.


In recent times, there have been many women - young and old - who have become icons of inspiration across fields of sports, dance, athletics, all with their sarees draped around them. That embracing traditional dress does not come in the way of aspirations is what these women are proving with every graceful step forward in their nine yards.

Women In Sarees Who Inspire: From Sitapur Skater Girl To Weighlifter Dadi

1. Shree Gupta: Sitapur Skater Girl

11-year-old Shree took to the streets of her village in her skates to spread COVID-19 vaccine awareness. People sat up and took note when she sailed between houses in her neatly pinned pink saree. "Girl power," Shamina Shafiq, All India Mahila Congress (AIMC) General-Secretary in Sitapur, wrote sharing the viral skating video.

As per reports, Shree noticed there was low turnout at the vaccination centre in her village, which led her to skate for awareness, encouraging more villagers to get jabbed.

2. Kiran Bai: Weightlifter Dadi

Many youths ring in their birthdays with friends, junk food and a sleepless night. But not 83-year-old Kiran Bai. To mark her big day in March this year, this 'weightlifter dadi' deadlifted 25 kgs for two reps, barefoot and in her saree.

Based in Chennai, Kiran Bai has always led a life of fitness, she said in interviews. An unfortunate sprain last year left her unable to walk. Dreading a sedentary lifestyle, with some help from her gym trainer grandson, she got back up on her feet to lift weights. How breezy she makes it look is awe-inspiring!

3. Eshna Kutty: Hula-Hooper 

Eshna Kutty's spunky 'saree flow' video caught the attention of thousands online last year. Social media vibed with her energy as she grooved to Sasuraal Genda Phool in a saree, sneakers and a hula-hoop twisting around her body.

On why she went for this attire to hula-hoop in, Kutty in an interview with SheThePeople said, "Earlier my idea wasn’t to make it specifically saree, I thought whatever Indian attire that feels familiar could work out. But personally, I love sarees and I’ve always worn sarees like this which is why I haven’t ever found them restrictive. Which is also why I just had to do it in it."

4. Shaili Chikara: Lady Bahubali 

Fitness expert Shaili Chikara popped eyes when she lifted a 33 kg cylinder for squats in a saree; the fieriness of her now-viral video came as much from her striking red saree as it did from her impressive workout.

Lady Bahubali, as she has now been dubbed, on her social media profiles often shares literal 'work-from-home' videos of exercising with household items. Her 'jugaad workout' has inspired many towards physical activity at home during lockdown.

5. Saree Bowling Grandma 

The internet fell in love with this grandma who served a clean bowling strike in her saree and made it look like a piece of cake. Surely, most of us would be lucky to even throw a straight serve that knocks even a single pin down, and to do it with a saree wrapped around the body? It's something incredible. More about her here. 

"Queen shit," her grandson Sudarshan said sharing a video of her on Twitter. After her video went viral, the bowling grandma in another video thanked all her fans for the love they showered on her.

weightlifter dadi sitapur skater girl saree videos eshna kutty saree bowling