
Madhya Pradesh Minor Rape Case: All You Need To Know

In light of the accused being arrested in the Ujjain minor rape case, Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan stated that his government will ensure that the accused will get stringent punishment.

Kalyani Ganesan
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In light of the accused being arrested in the Ujjain minor rape case, Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan stated that his government will ensure that the accused will get stringent punishment.


On September 28, the Chief Minister said that the accused was caught and suffered injuries in the process. He added that he has been keeping tabs on the investigation every hour. “Such persons have no place in society. He has injured the conscience of Madhya Pradesh,” he said.

Madhya Pradesh CM On Ujjain Minor Rape Case

CM Chouhan made the statement while addressing the media after immersing the idol Lord Ganesha at his official residence during the Ganpati festival. He added that “the survivor is the daughter of Madhya Pradesh.” “We will take care of her in every way. She’s my daughter as well as the state’s daughter, and we will make sure the accused gets stringent punishment.”

Accused Caught

The police arrested the accused and detained five other individuals on September 28. The main accused, identified as Bharat Soni, an auto driver who tried to escape, was caught by the police. The police had taken him to the spot where he had allegedly raped the minor girl to gather evidence. Seeing a window to escape, the accused tried to flee, but the police managed to chase and subdue him.

Inspector Ajay Kumar told the media that they had recovered the clothes worn by the girl during the incident and explained that the accused fell on a cemented road while trying to escape and injured his arms and legs. He was then taken to the hospital for treatment.


Superintendent of Police Sachin Sharma told NDTV that they checked the surveillance and CCTV footage to track down the accused. He said that the accused hails from Ujjain. He saw the girl walking alone and took her with him under the pretext of offering to lift his auto and rape her.

The Horrifying Incident

A 12-year-old girl, semi-naked and bleeding after allegedly being subjected to rape, was captured by CCTV footage going from door to door and seeking help. However, people only stared at her and refused to help. One man even shooed her away when she approached him for help.

The visuals of the injured minor girl asking for help were captured by a CCTV camera at Badnagar Road, about 15 kilometres from Ujjain in Madhya Pradesh. The girl had walked for 8 kilometres on foot, asking for help, barely covered in a rag.

She eventually reached an ashram where the priest who suspected that the girl had endured sexual assault covered her with a towel, gave her some clothes, called the police, and rushed her to a district hospital, where the doctors confirmed rape after conducting a medical examination.

The priest described that her eyes were swollen and she could not speak. When she was undergoing treatment and needed blood, a police officer came forward to help.


The girl is currently undergoing treatment at the hospital and couldn’t answer coherently when asked about her identity. She is yet to recover and give a statement.

Suggested Reading: Ujjain Minor Rape Survivor Denied Help; Is Society Becoming Apathetic?

POCSO Ujjain Minor Rape Case Madhya Pradesh