
Italian Tourist Alleges Rape By Tour Guide

Kriti Dwivedi
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A 37-year-old Italian tourist has alleged that a tour guide raped her in a cab in Mumbai. He later reportedly contacted her on Instagram, asking for her address.


The incident happened on June 14 after which she approached the Italian Embassy in Delhi. They advised her to go to the Mumbai Police. The case has now been allotted to Juhu police station, reported TOI.

What happened?

The woman had come down to India in November 2017 for sightseeing. She stayed in Bengaluru for some time and later came to Mumbai on June 11.

She said that on June 14, she visited the Gateway of India. The woman then saw a private bus offering 'Mumbai Darshan' trips. She was then approached by the man who claimed to be a guide. The Italian national then booked a ticket and also paid for the guide to accompany her.

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As the bus reached its final destination, Juhu, the man offered to show her a Bollywood actor's house. As it was late in the evening, the man told her that he lived in the same locality as her hotel and offered to drop her back to her hotel.

The complaint said, "After crossing some distance, the guide asked the taxi driver to halt near a liquor shop. He purchased beer from the shop and offered some to me. I refused to drink but he kept insisting. He then started to touch me inappropriately. I tried to fight back but he covered my mouth with his palm so I couldn't shout for help."
She added that he even forced her to perform sexual activities even though she repeatedly refused. The woman quickly managed to click some pictures of him, startling him.

The Instagram connect

The cab reached South Mumbai at 10:30 pm. The guide then threatened her with severe consequences, warning her against showing the photos to anyone.

He then contacted her on Whatsapp asking for her address. Without reverting back, she left Mumbai on June 18. She then travelled to Bengaluru.

She flew to Delhi on June 26 and reported the matter to the Italian Embassy. On their advice, she returned to Mumbai, hired a lawyer online and finally approached the Colaba police station on June 27.
A senior officer informed that the case has been registered under section 376 (ii) of IPC for rape.
Kriti Dwivedi is an intern with SheThePeople.Tv
rape Mumbai #harassment Delhi India Maharashtra Bengaluru tourist Italy Guide