
Climate Activists Glue Hands to Airport Runway, Fear Amputation

Climate activists from the "Last Generation" group stage disruptive protests at airports, attaching their hands to runways, demanding urgent climate action and criticizing government inaction, reigniting global debates on climate change.

Harnur Watta
New Update
Image credits: Dailyo

Image credits: Dailyo

In a daring act of defiance, climate activists belonging to the "Last Generation" group brought their impassioned demonstration to the very heart of local airports, creating unprecedented disruptions to flight operations. 

Taking inspiration from renowned climate activist Greta Thunberg, who fearlessly challenged world leaders at the United Nations, the Last Generation group has taken protest to an entirely new level.

In a display of civil disobedience, members of the group gained access to airport runways and firmly attached their hands using a formidable mixture of concrete and epoxy resin. 

This combination, typically employed in construction, hardens over time, leaving hands permanently immobilised unless amputation is pursued as a solution.

This audacious method serves as a tangible representation of the activists' mounting frustration with the authorities' perceived inaction on climate change. In a striking symbol of sacrifice, the protesters offer their own hands as a testament to their resentment. 

However, the consequences of their resolute actions soon became evident, as flight operations were severely disrupted, causing substantial delays and widespread chaos.

Despite the contentious nature of their approach, the Last Generation group's intentions are undeniably genuine - to curtail global carbon emissions by 2030. They argue that governments have consistently displayed indifference towards their impassioned demands and have failed to implement effective measures to address the pressing climate crisis.


The activists also critique the escalating number of individuals opting for air travel, thereby exacerbating emissions and climate impact.

The Last Generation group's demands extend beyond mere protests. They call for the immediate development of a comprehensive action plan to meet emission targets and advocate for the establishment of a societal council specifically tasked with phasing out fossil fuels by 2030. 

Through these demands, the activists aim to galvanise governments and society at large into taking swift and substantive action to combat climate change.

As the disruptions caused by the Last Generation group persist, airlines and airport authorities find themselves grappling with the challenging task of restoring normalcy amidst the chaos. 

The Last Generation group's bold move has sparked intense debates worldwide, with proponents applauding their audacity and commitment to the cause, while opponents argue that their methods overshadow the message they seek to convey. Nevertheless, it is undeniable that their actions have brought the issue of climate change to the forefront of public consciousness once again. 

As discussions on climate change intensify and global leaders grapple with the urgency of the situation, the Last Generation activists continue to advocate for immediate and meaningful action. Their sacrifice and unwavering determination serve as a clarion call to individuals, governments, and corporations alike, urging them to confront the climate crisis head-on and work collectively towards a sustainable future for the sake of the generations to come.


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Climate Change protesters Last Generation