
Cannes Festival To Set Up Hotline Against Sexual Harassment

Ria Das
New Update

The #MeToo campaign has sparked a massive reaction worldwide. The upcoming Cannes Film Festival too is taking the necessary steps to curb any incident of sexual harassment during the festival. The coveted French Film Festival will witness a setting-up of hotline against sexual harassment. The hotline will be assisting all men, women, kids in reporting any untoward event of sexual misconduct.


Marlene Schiappa, France’s gender equality minister, appreciated the measure taken up by the authorities. Schiappa said to Times Now, “We've gone into partnership with the Cannes Film Festival to tackle sexual harassment and set up a helpline.”

"One of the rapes that Harvey Weinstein is accused of happened at Cannes, and so the festival cannot fail to act," she added.

The minister also claimed to have taken measures that would not only aim at women from the industry but also outsiders. Over 70 women from the industry alleged that Harvey Weinstein sexually assaulted and harassed them. This decision was taken to create a safer space at Cannes because four of the cases against the now disgraced film producer are reported to have taken place at this reputed film festival. Harvey allegedly raped a 21-year-old Italian actress Asia Argento at this noted film festival. Alice Evans, Annabella Sciorra, Judith Godrèche, and Zoë Brock came forward with stories of unwanted sexual advances allegedly made by Weinstein during the film festival.

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The Cannes Film Festival will kick off at the Riviera resort from next month. The festival which will run from May 8 to 19 amidst the #MeToo and Time’s Up movement which have gained the much-deserved momentum in the past few months.

Thusfar, the year has witnessed several high-profile events where actresses have raised a voice against sexual misconduct. The year began with the Golden Globe Awards night when we saw actresses wearing all black in solidarity with victims of sexual assault then again in February this year, the British Academy of Film and Television Arts Awards (BAFTA) witnessed women from the entertainment industry in the U.K. signing the open letter announcing their intention to support and continue the Time’s Up movement. We welcome an effort like this by Cannes.


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Sexual assault #MeToo women in Cannes Cannes Red Carpet Cannes Festival Hotline Cannes 2018 Sex Harassment in Hollywood Cannes Film Festival Time’s Up movement Times Up Harvey Weinstein