
Alleged Rape Case Against Alok Nath May Be Closed

Despite Nanda having filed the case 10 months ago, the Oshiwara Police says it has not been able to gather sufficient evidence against the actor.

Anushika Srivastava
New Update
anticipatory bail Alok Nath

Due to lack of evidence, the investigation regarding charges of rape against Bollywood actor Alok Nath may soon be closed. The case against him was filed by television screenwriter and producer Vinta Nanda, around ten months ago. In a social media post, Nanda had levied accusations of alleged rape against Nath back in October last year. However, a Mid Day news report says that the Mumbai Police, following lack of evidence, might soon file a closure report for the case. Despite Nanda having filed the case 10 months ago, the Oshiwara Police Station has not been able to gather sufficient pieces of evidence against the actor.


We have recorded a detailed statement of the victim. Two witnesses were called to the police station a number of times but they haven't recorded their statements yet.- Oshiwara Police

What was the case?

When the #MeToo Movement had broken out in India in October last year, TV producer and writer Vinta Nanda had accused the male lead actor of her TV show Tara of allegedly sexually assaulting her in the 90s. “I ask women to never stay silent,” she wrote, adding, “I have suffered a lot. I have suffered shame. I have suffered bankruptcy. I have broken down in meetings and I couldn’t sustain myself. I would break out and start crying. From all the trauma I have carried on my shoulders, I have had to start from scratch. I feel so liberated today after speaking up.”

Also Read: #MeToo Movement: It Is Raining Clean Chits In Bollywood

Nanda recalled an incident wherein she left a party at Alok’s house at 2 am. She wrote in her post that her drinks were mixed. “I started to walk home on the empty streets… Midway I was accosted by this man who was driving his own car and he asked me to sit in it and said he would drop me home. I trusted him and sat in his car."

Vinta added that she had a faint memory of what happened after that. "I can remember more liquor being poured into my mouth and I remember being violated endlessly. When I woke up the next afternoon, I was in pain. I hadn’t just been raped, I was taken to my own house and had been brutalised."


The man found his way through the casting route and became one of the lead actors on the show. He created an environment in which I was made to feel threatened, so I asked the producers to release me from directing the series because I didn’t want to be around where he was. - Vinta Nanda in her post

No witnesses have come forward

The Oshiwara Police told Mid-Day, " We have recorded a detailed statement of the victim. Two witnesses were called to the police station a number of times but they haven't recorded their statements yet." In January this year, the Dindoshi sessions court had granted Nath an anticipatory bail in the case, saying that Nanda may have delayed filing a case against him immediately after the alleged incident for 'her own benefit'. The court, therefore, observed that the possibility cannot be ruled out that the applicant (Alok Nath) has been falsely accused in the case.

The Cine and TV Artists Association (CINTAA) had announced after the incident that it has expelled actor Alok Nath in view of various sexual harassment cases against him.  The association wrote on Twitter, “In view of the various allegations of sexual harassment and misconduct against Alok Nath, after due diligence and consideration, the Executive Committee of CINTAA has decided to expel him from the Association.”

Nath has repeatedly denied all the claims made against him. He also went on to file a defamation case against Nanda.

Picture Credit- Firstpost


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rape Alok Nath Vinta Nanda #MeToo India Mumbai police