
5 Women On How They Master Their Protein Essentials

Protein, often termed the building block of life, plays a big role in the growth, repair, & maintenance of our bodies. Let's explore the insights shared by women of SheThePeople as they navigate their understanding of protein into their daily lives

Oshi Saxena
New Update
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As we celebrate World Protein Day today, let's dig deeper into the impact of this essential nutrient, particularly in the lives of women. Protein, often termed the building block of life, plays a pivotal role in the growth, repair, and maintenance of our bodies. Let's delve into the insights shared by women from SheThePeople as they navigate their understanding and incorporation of protein into their daily lives.


Decoding the Essence of Protein

Proteins, often likened to a string of beads known as amino acids, are the indispensable building blocks our bodies need. They facilitate the growth and repair of muscle tissues, tendons, organs, and skin. As these complex molecules get digested into amino acids, they become the lifeblood circulating through our small intestine, supplying cells with the materials needed for regeneration and repair.

Protein isn't merely a nutrient; it's a versatile force. Whether aiming to shed a few pounds, gain muscle, recover from intense workouts, feel satiated, or simply maintain good health, adequate protein intake is non-negotiable.

Essential and Non-Essential Amino Acids

Within the zone of proteins, two distinct categories emerge: essential and non-essential amino acids. Some amino acids can be produced by the body, while others must be sourced from our diets. Our bodies are complex mosaics of thousands of proteins, each designed for a specific function – be it structural components, enzymes, hormones, or the active proteins secreted by immune cells.

For women, protein becomes especially crucial during periods of rapid growth or heightened demand, such as childhood, adolescence, pregnancy, and breastfeeding.


Symphony of Protein and Exercise

Protein takes center stage in the orchestration of muscle repair and strengthening post-exercise. However, the true magic unfolds when protein is considered within the context of a balanced diet, incorporating the right amounts of carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals. The process of muscle recovery after exercise involves the replenishment of glycogen stores within 30-45 minutes, underscoring the importance of post-workout nutrition.

Protein - Guardians of Bone Health

Bone health is a shared concern among women, particularly as they age. Strong muscles are integral to strong bones, and protein becomes the cornerstone of this foundation. Adequate protein intake helps minimize the density loss associated with ageing.

Protein goes beyond mere physical strength; it offers a sense of fullness due to its slower digestion compared to other macronutrients. The essential role of protein in maintaining healthy hair, skin, and nails is rooted in the fact that these structural components are made from a protein called keratin.

Real Women, Real Stories


As women at SheThePeople embrace the essence of protein, they are not merely consumers; they are the narrators of a story that intertwines science, personal choices, and the pursuit of a healthier, fulfilled life.

Tanya Savkoor: Championing a Plant-Based Lifestyle

Tanya Savkoor challenges the stereotype that a plant-based diet lacks fulfilment. Contrary to the misconception that animal products are irreplaceable, Tanya embraces a mindful approach to her plant-based journey. "I have more control over what I incorporate and leave out of my plate, making a big difference to my emotional relationship with food," she affirms. While incorporating plant-based proteins naturally, Tanya remains open to exploring lab-made supplements, showcasing a willingness to adapt and learn.

Ishika Tanvi: Demolishing Misconceptions

Ishika Tanvi candidly admits to harbouring a misconception that protein intake is only necessary for those working out regularly. She relies on dals and rajma in her vegetarian diet, guided by gentle reminders from her boyfriend. Ishika's journey reflects the need for education on incorporating protein into a vegetarian diet.

"I had such a horrible misconception that protein intake was only necessary if one was working out regularly. Now my boyfriend keeps my protein in check by reminding me to at least have the daals & rajma. I don’t necessarily do anything extra to make sure my needs are met."


While sceptical about the efficacy of pills, Ishika leans towards affirming the benefits of powder-based proteins or cereals.

Pavi: Balancing Choices in a Vegetarian Household

Pavi, at 24, shares the struggles of consuming two meals a day. Coming from a vegetarian household, she acknowledges her reliance on her mother's choices, including salads and weekly paneer servings. "On most days, I struggle to take two meals a day. I'm 24 and I have yet not much explored about consuming protein supplements or which one I must take," she affirmed.

Expressing a desire to be enlightened about her protein intake, Pavi seeks autonomy in her nutritional decisions, "I would like to be enlightened concerning my protein intake instead of fully relying on my mom to take care of it," she affirms. 

Aastha: Navigating Complex Terrain of Protein Intake 

Aastha Tiwari shares her perspective on understanding protein requirements. She acknowledges being aware of the necessity but finds incorporating protein into her routine a challenging terrain. 

"I am aware of the protein requirements for my body, but incorporating them has been a murky terrain for me because I think I lack the discipline for it. Moreover, its also to do with how in our diets, since a kid, we were hardly told to prioritise requirements and intakes and be grateful more for the food."

 The absence of muscle memory, urging her to remember protein intake, reflects the broader societal attitude towards nutritional awareness.

Sreelekha: A Mindful Vegetarian Approach

Sreelekha, a vegetarian, emphasises mindfulness in her dietary choices, incorporating protein-rich foods into her daily meals. Recognising the limitations of dietary changes, she turns to supplements, currently opting for Gytree protein powder  when needed, "For my protein needs, when I feel they cannot be met with dietary changes, I do incorporate supplements; currently, it is Gytree protein powder."

As we celebrate World Protein Day, let's acknowledge the pivotal role protein plays in the lives of women. It's not just about meeting daily nutritional requirements; it's about empowering women to make informed choices about their health and well-being. Whether it's through plant-based proteins, traditional diets, or supplements, every woman deserves access to the knowledge and resources necessary to nourish her body and soul.

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