
Why Women Need More Protein In Winters For Optimum Health

Winter is approaching, and although it brings its charms, the brisk winds can often leave your skin feeling dehydrated and lacklustre. The answer may lie in protein intake.

Ragini Daliya
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Winter is approaching, and although it brings its charms, the brisk winds can often leave your skin feeling dehydrated and lacklustre. The answer may lie in protein intake. Fortunately, you can combat the cold breeze by making small adjustments to your skincare regimen, ensuring your skin is winter-ready - and no, not with creams and lotions but getting your protein levels up.


Protein intake plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy skin. The skin is made up of proteins like collagen and elastin, which provide structure and elasticity. When we consume enough protein, it helps in the production and repair of these proteins, leading to healthier and more youthful-looking skin. Additionally, protein like this one helps in the formation of new skin cells, which promotes a smoother complexion and aids in the healing of wounds and scars.

Why Women Need More Protein In Winter

Protein requirements are the same all year around. But having adequate protein in winters is beneficial, says Amisha Gulati who works with These are the main reasons why she adds.

  • Keeps the body warm, it has a high thermic effect.
  • Energy expenditure in winter increases which is why we tend to eat more. Right protein sources ensure enough energy as well more satiety.
  • Adequate protein is also required for immunity, which is often weak during winters as we experience cold and flu.
  • Women need more protein in winter for optimum health due to several reasons. First, during the winter months, our bodies require more energy to keep warm.
  • Protein is an essential macronutrient that provides the necessary fuel for our bodies to generate heat and maintain a stable body temperature. By consuming more protein, women can support their body's thermogenesis process and ensure they stay warm and comfortable throughout the winter season.

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Second, protein plays a crucial role in supporting the immune system. Winter is commonly associated with an increased risk of colds, flu, and other respiratory infections. Protein is necessary for the production of antibodies and immune cells that help fight off these infections. By consuming more protein, women can strengthen their immune system and reduce the likelihood of falling ill during the winter months.


Protein is essential for maintaining muscle mass and strength. During winter, when outdoor activities may be limited, women may experience a decrease in physical activity levels. This reduction in activity can lead to muscle loss if adequate protein intake is not maintained. By increasing protein consumption, women can support muscle maintenance and prevent muscle wasting, ensuring they remain strong and physically capable throughout the winter season.

Lastly, protein is a satiating nutrient that helps control appetite and promote weight management. In winter, people often experience increased cravings for comfort foods, which are typically high in carbohydrates and fats. By incorporating more protein into their diet, women can feel fuller for longer periods, reduce cravings, and make healthier food choices. This can help prevent weight gain and support overall health and well-being during the winter months.

Protein also contributes to the hydration and moisture balance of the skin. It helps in the production of natural moisturizing factors, such as ceramides, which help to retain water in the skin.

This is particularly important during winter when the cold and dry weather can cause skin to become dehydrated and prone to dryness and flakiness. By increasing protein intake, women can support their skin's moisture barrier and prevent dryness and irritation.

Protein helps to strengthen the immune system, which plays a role in protecting the skin from infections and inflammation. It also supports the healing process of skin conditions like acne, eczema, and psoriasis. By ensuring an adequate protein intake, women can enhance their skin's overall health and resilience, making it better equipped to deal with the challenges of winter.

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