
Understanding Amino Acids - Proline

Given the intricacies of protein's role in our bodily functions and appearance, it's crucial that we ensure our protein consumption meets our body's needs.

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Proline for your body plays a crucial role in maintaining the body's well-being. As an amino acid, proline even has a specific role in skin health. It contributes to the production of collagen, a key structural protein that provides elasticity and resilience to your skin. Proline, helps keep your skin firm, thereby delaying visible signs of skin aging like wrinkles and sagging. 


Furthermore, proline isn't just skin-deep. Amid the array of amino acids making up the proteins in our bodies, proline also plays a significant role in the health and growth of your hair. Your hair is primarily composed of a protein called keratin. Consuming an adequate amount of protein, including proline, thereby contributes to healthy and robust hair growth. 

Nutritionists are clear that proper amounts of proteins help solve early issues easily and effectively. These include some bodily systems that impact over all wellbeing and skin and hair health. 

The nutrients value of our Protein make it a high value and a superfood in itself. Our Protein digests quickly, adds fibre to the gut and works as a broom to remove all the toxins from the body and it's highly bioavailable which means you are not just drinking it but absorbing it,” says Chahat Vasdev, nutritionist at

Boosting Protein Intake 

Given the intricacies of protein's role in our bodily functions and appearance, it's crucial that we ensure our protein consumption meets our body's needs. An imbalance or deficiency of protein can lead to various health issues, including problems with the skin and hair. Hence, for those who are physically active or have higher protein demands, experts recommend a daily protein intake ranging from 1.2-2.0 grams per kilogram (0.54-0.9 grams per pound) to maintain optimal health. 

In the US, the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for protein is 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight, or 0.36 grams per pound. This amount serves as a baseline to avert muscle loss. However, as individualist as your protein needs might be, it's also essential to observe caution with excess protein intake, especially for those with kidney conditions. It is thus advisable that you discuss your protein needs with a healthcare provider. 

Protein's role in your body is expansive, underpinning many crucial functions and structures, including the health of your skin and hair. While ensuring you take in enough protein, remember to maintain a balanced diet that incorporates a rich variety of natural carbohydrates and proteins for the best health outcomes. Always consult with your healthcare provider for more personalized nutritional advice!

Amino Acids