
Study Reveals How Plant Protein Contributes To Healthy Ageing in Women

There is significant evidence that adopting a protein-rich diet, particularly one based in plant proteins, can support women in achieving healthy ageing, according to recent research. 

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A new research study has just linked plant proteins to healthier ageing in women – an exciting discovery that's worth understanding. A new study from Tufts University in Boston suggested that including more protein, particularly plant protein, in a dietary pattern during midlife is linked to healthier aging in females. Here are the highlights


There is significant evidence that adopting a protein-rich diet, particularly one based in plant proteins, can support women in achieving healthy ageing, according to recent research. 

The goal of healthy ageing is beyond merely prolonging your lifespan—it's about enjoying a life free from chronic ailments. 

As you age, maintaining optimum mental and physical health requires a diet rich in whole, minimally processed foods.

Before we detail into the specifics of the study, it's essential to understand what plant proteins are. So, what are plant proteins? Essentially, they include all proteins derived from plant-based foods like legumes, whole grains, and nuts.

"Plant proteins are a healthier source of protein as they often come with added nutrients and fewer unhealthy fats than most animal proteins," says dietitian, Natalie Rizzo. With that knowledge, let's look at how these proteins contribute to healthy ageing. 

According to the newly released research, a higher intake of plant proteins is associated with slower physical decline in older women. To put it in perspective: 

  • Women who consumed more plant proteins showed slower rates of health deterioration.
  • They displayed lower risks of mobility issues, demonstrating a clear link between plant proteins and physical strength and agility.
  • Markers of inflammation, often associated with ageing diseases, were notably reduced with increased plant protein consumption.

So, if you're watching your nutritional intake and eyeing a healthier lifestyle that gracefully ages with you, consider incorporating more plant protein into your diet. They are not only loaded with essential nutrients but now shows promising links to healthier aging. No wonder plant proteins are becoming an indispensable part of a balanced diet- they're nature's gift for ageing beautifully!

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