We speak to Nidhi Vishnoi, whose venture Irizpro Learning Solutions plans training seminars and workshops that are tailored to the individual aspects of a company’s short-term and long-term goals. They impart practical learning by doing not just by listening and provide useful case-studies, tools and templates that can be taken back to the workplace and used. This way the training stays with the employee. Irizpro also establishes a support system in which trainers are highly accessible to employees when encountering any difficulties. Vishnoi is a nominee for SheThePeople.TV Digital Women Awards 2019.
People in India still believe that education completes when one graduates. It is a major roadblock to convince them for continuing professional training at a cost.
How did your big idea strike you?
Having hailed from a family of teachers, teaching and training came naturally to me. However, by the time I started working for an insurance giant after finishing my MBA, I realised the gaps which exist in professional education. This made me change my career line to the education sector and I became a professor with a reputed university. However, the state of affairs and lack of innovation made me realise that something has to be done at a more concrete level. Thus we initiated Irizpro Learning Solutions, with top notch courses that prepare graduates with skills of the future.
How has tech and digital been an enabler in your entrepreneurship journey?
Digital has been the very core of our existence. The fact that we can take live, interactive sessions of students across the world has been possible only because of digital technology.
At any point in your journey were you stuck with self-doubt? How did you deal with it?
Several times. When my partner quit, when our sales went consistently down, when I faced severe family issues. I just told myself that I will Not Quit. I have to stick around and fight it out. Irizpro cannot be a loser.
What have been your greatest challenges and struggles in your entrepreneurship journey?
Lack of resources - Getting the resources, whether human or financial is a huge challenge for any bootstrapped start-up. Indian mindset - People in India still believe that education completes when one graduates. It is a major roadblock to convince them for continuing professional training at a cost.
As a woman entrepreneur would you say you have faced discrimination in your journey? Could you share with us?
Not much. I found most of the people I met quite conducive, helpful and professional.
What do you think women entrepreneurs need more of, from venture capitalists, government policymakers, start-up support programmes and others? And Why?
Mentoring and startup support programs. We also need more VCs to support women entrepreneurs. Although I personally believe that we should not discriminate between men and women entrepreneurs. An entrepreneur is an entrepreneur irrespective of their gender.
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Mentoring by seasoned industry professionals and more opportunities to learn about business processes, handling finance, establishing marketing systems etc are much needed, more so, because we're never taught this stuff during our learning.
What would you say have been your greatest learnings on the entrepreneurship journey?
Always keep going irrespective of any hindrance. Keep thinking and evolving yourself and your venture. Another important lesson I have learnt is to never get emotional about my product/service. We should be open to accepting market dynamics.
Mentoring by seasoned industry professionals and more opportunities to learn about business processes, handling finance, establishing marketing systems etc are much needed, more so, because we're never taught this stuff during our learning.
What advice would you share with other women looking to become entrepreneurs?
Women have to multitask and manage more things than men. Hence, it's important to establish your time management and support system. Delegation is of key importance.
Rapid Fire
Your legacy in one phrase
Inspire excellence in learning.
An entrepreneur you admire
Ankur Warikoo and Shreya Sharma.
Your greatest strength
My ability to figure out solutions, ability to connect with my team members and my family.
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