Leadership, to be true, doesn’t come instantly. It is a gradual process that requires you to be fully aware of yourself right from the beginning. Until and unless you are aware about yourself, about what you want from yourself, you’re already missing out on the very important skill-sets required to be a leader. Talking practically, a Leader is one who is capable to lead by collecting approval from everyone involved. And this, for valid reasons, is not an easy task.
Being a woman and a leader, is still a bit questionable. Although we are improving on our ‘Leadership Stats’ but India is still ranks fifth lowest when it comes to women at the leadership positions. So for us, it is very important to shape our personality in a way that it assures our position as leaders.
The need to instill the attitude of being at the topmost positions is what women need today. Because for us, though our career rise at great speed in the beginning, it ultimately becomes stagnant in most cases, and that’s where we lose. Even the need to get into a stable career and the need to get into it as soon as possible, snatches away the aspirations of so many women. If women give importance to a stable career, they will not be willing to take risks, and taking risks is a requirement in the corporate world. Sometimes, women are in a hurry to settle into a job and so their ambition takes a backseat. These might possibly be some of the reasons why lesser number of women are at the top. To make your skill-sets eligible for being a leader in the future, polishing your skills is important from the beginning itself. Here’s how:
Confidence: A Key Element In The Making Of A Leader
No matter what certificates and degrees your resume has, unless you are able to speak and present your opinion with confidence, sadly, they are of no or of very little use. Market value is all you have and you need to shout-out and say and make people believe that yes you are the right choice. For this, confidence is of prime importance.
Confidence Comes From Exposure
There’s a first time to everything and so it applies to confidence as well. Till the time you keep hiding yourself from the world, confidence will keep hiding from you. If you aspire to be a leader, connect with people and indulge yourself in social tasks. This can be initiated by participating in events at school and college level. In fact, schools and colleges are the best stage to rehearse your leadership-skills. The ones you find missing, you can surely acquire them over time. And in this process, you might fail for once or twice but ultimately, there comes a time when you become confident of yourself and that’s what ‘You as a Future Leader’ wants.
Your Opinion Matters
Girls, you need to be opinionated no matter what. Your opinions are an external manifestation of who you are. And if you aspire to be a leader, you know already that an entire organisation is going to work on your ideas. More importantly, you need to be so strong regarding your opinions and ideas that no sort of criticism should be able to shake them. What matters is how you can back your opinions and rise over the criticism.
Analyse Situations Right From The Beginning
An efficient leader is versatile. And this, of course, isn’t learnt in a go. Right from the beginning you need to analyse the situations, even the smallest ones. Once you start analysing them, there comes a point when you’ll know how to tackle problems too. Problems that you face as a leader are just upgraded versions of what you’ve analysed as a normal person. Once done with Level 1 problems as a commoner, dealing with the upper level problems as a leader doesn’t remain that difficult.
The Art Of Turning Everything To Your Favour
Nothing remains good forever. There might be times when you’re stuck with problems or made a wrong decision. As an efficient leader, you should know how to turn it to your favour. You can start it right from the beginning. None of us live a perfect life. We have to deal with issues even as a student. So, start tackling small issues with reasoning . Here comes the role of persuading power. Persuading someone is an art and once you master it, you’ve already done half of what the industry wants.
Stop Caring About What The World Thinks!
Last but not the least, as a girl, coming across taunts and criticism is common. All you need to do is ignore. If this doesn’t work, be brave enough to shut them up. You need to figure out what you want for yourself. Then work ahead in that way. No sort of criticism should be able to derail you. Because you are aspiring to be a Leader, And Leaders never give up!
Read More:Why Women Are Better Suited For Entrepreneurship
Anushika Srivastava is an Intern with SheThePeople.Tv