
Slay It Like Pooja Dhingra: Her 5 Secrets For Entrepreneurial Success

At the Digital Women Awards 2023, Pooja Dhingra opened up on some strategies and learnings that helped her navigate entrepreneurship in a demanding industry. 

Priya Prakash
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Pooja Dhingra

Pooja Dhingra is the eminent name behind India's love for French pastries. Imagine bringing those delightful macarons to our taste buds for the first time! Yes, Dhingra was one of the first in the Indian market to do that for Indian consumers. As an eminent name in India's culinary landscape, she kicked off the trend by opening Le15 Patisserie, the first-ever French-style pastry shop in the country. But that's not all—she's also an author, a baking teacher, and even a judge on cooking shows. Her journey is like a recipe for success, mixing baking skills with entrepreneurial magic.


At the Digital Women Awards 2023, Pooja Dhingra opened up on some strategies and learnings that helped her navigate entrepreneurship in a demanding industry. 

Here Are Pooja Dhingra's 5 Proven Entrepreneurial Secrets

Embrace Authenticity 

Her journey epitomises authenticity. Her transparent approach, openly sharing both highs and lows, resonated deeply with her audience.

I embarked on my journey in my early 20s when social media was nascent. My approach has always been transparent—I share the highs and lows. Amidst the pandemic, I faced challenges in my food business but witnessed overwhelming support when I made tough decisions publicly. The outpouring of love reaffirmed the special connection our brand had with people. These past years have been about honesty, openness, and embracing the reality of entrepreneurship—something I might not know if it's right, but it's what feels genuine to me.

Navigating Highs and Lows


In her 13–14 years in the industry, she has embraced the transient nature of experiences. She highlights the importance of remaining centred amid life's roller coaster, advocating not to be swayed by extreme highs or lows.

Stay centred through highs and lows.

This wisdom resonates with the reminder that everything, good or bad, is fleeting. Her approach involves acknowledging each moment and moving forward, anchoring oneself in the present.

Define Your Own Success 

Dhingra redefines the conventional understanding of success, saying, "My journey began with a passion for pastry, not fame. As Le15 grew, identity and success followed naturally from being authentic." Her journey commenced not in pursuit of fame but driven by a genuine passion for pastry and as her brand, Le15, burgeoned, identity and success naturally ensued from her authenticity. She emphasises the need to define success independently, steering away from external benchmarks.  

Redefine Scaling On Your Terms


Initially a jest, Dhingra's aspiration for 'world domination' has evolved into redefining what scale signifies for her. She's recalibrating her definitions, questioning whether it's about broader reach or relinquishing control to others for expansion. Her wisdom lies in encouraging entrepreneurs to define their scale before crafting grand plans. Scale, according to Dhingra, is a personalised notion that evolves with one's business growth.

Acknowledge Self-Worth 

Finally, she shares her mantra, which involves recognising self-worth. Dhingra reflected on the importance of self-worth, saying.

It took me a while to value myself, starting with self-awareness. When the MasterChef opportunity arose, fear and self-doubt consumed me. But my mother said, 'They've chosen you; why reject yourself?' It dawned on me that when an opportunity arises, regardless of its scale, fighting for oneself and showing up are crucial.

digital women awards women entrepreneurs Pooja Dhingra Digital Women Awards 2023 food entrepreneurs Entrepreneurial Success