
Vaginal Hygiene: 5 Myths That We All Need To Dispel

It is extremely important to keep in mind that the vagina is a self-cleaning organ and that it doesn't require active cleaning methods. While intimate washes are easily available and easy to use, it is very important to know the right way to use them.

Aditi Bagaria
New Update
Image sourced from Getty Images, Annastills

Image sourced from Getty Images, Annastills

Intimate hygiene varies from people to people, we wash our faces with face wash, bodies with body wash, and hair with shampoo and conditioner, but what about down there? How do we clean our vulvas? It is extremely important to take care of ourselves, and explore our own ways of making ourselves feel better and happier, however, it is also important to be sure about doing it the healthy way. Vaginal health is usually unnoticed but is an integral component of our physical health. The market provides a plethora of intimate washes, scented smell-good kits, VG tone gels, and whatnot. Knowing what to use, and what not is the foremost step when taking care of ourselves.


There is a long list of myths about these intimate washes that need to be broken, and some facts that need to be absorbed.

Myth: Using an Intimate Wash is extremely important

Fact: Vagina is a self-cleaning organ

All those items sold over the counter that guarantee a “fresher” or “cleaner” or “better smelling” vagina are useless and can cause more hurt in the long run. The vagina is implied to be at an acidic pH (3.5-4). Numerous of these items modify the pH of the vagina to an unusually tall pH and increase your hazard of disease. They moreover expel the “good” bacteria that are there to keep the vagina sound and free from contamination. In case you wash those good bacteria out, you're once more setting yourself up for a disease. 

However, it is normal to use an intimate wash to clean the vulva externally, and shouldn't be used towards the vagina, as recommended by Dr. Riddhima Shetty.


Myth: Cleaning vulva after sex

Fact: Keep it simple - pee!

It is observed that peeing cleans out any bacteria that may have migrated into the urethra during play, helps reduce the risk of a UTI.

“You can also do one little swish of water on your vulva with your finger, but don’t do any internal washing or scrubbing,” she says.

Myth: Women should shave their intimate area regularly.

Fact: Shaving Pubic hair is not a compulsion


While trimming pubic hair is a healthy exercise, there is no compulsion or need to shave it regularly, as it increases the risk of infections. In the video, Dr. Riddhima Shetty also talks about the harmful effects of using epilating creams to remove hair on intimate regions.

Myth: Using scented perfumes, soaps or gels is harmless

Fact: Using scented perfumes, soaps or gels is harmful

Repeatedly, professionals like Dr. Anjali Kumar, and Dr. Riddhima Shetty have warned against the use of scented soaps, perfumes, or gels that proclaim to make your vagina smell good or better. These products contain harmful chemicals which can disturb your vaginal health.

Myth: Wearing panties of various materials is fine

Fact: Using Cotton Panties is recommended


Professionals have time and again recommended to wear cotton panties, as they are breathable and allow the bacteria to filter throughout. Dr Cuterus also discusses the advantages of using a cotton panty as the cotton fibers allow the exchange of air to happen, which keeps the area free from sweat and bad microorganisms. 

Foot line, any time you've got concerns around your vagina, go see your specialist to begin with rather than attempting different items over the counter – these items may hurt you more than offer assistance, but it may make it more troublesome for your specialist to know what the issue is if it is veiled by a few over the counter product. 

personal hygiene common myths vaginal health Intimate wash