
US School Removes Mirrors To Prevent TikTok Filming: Smart Solution?

Southern Alamance Middle School in Graham, North Carolina, has taken a unique approach to address a growing issue of students spending excessive time in restrooms creating TikTok videos during class hours

Lisha Kannan
New Update

Image Souces from New York Post

Southern Alamance Middle School in Graham, North Carolina, has taken a unique approach to address a growing issue of students spending excessive time in restrooms creating TikTok videos during class hours. To combat this distraction, the school decided to remove bathroom mirrors. According to Les Atkins, the spokesperson for the Alamance-Burlington School System, the mirror removal was prompted by a noticeable increase in students visiting the restroom seven, eight, or nine times a day, disrupting valuable class time.


School Takes Down Mirrors to Address TikTok Videos and Promote Digital Citizenship

Atkins stated that since the mirrors were removed, there has been a decline in restroom visits, and students are not spending as much time there. The move is part of the school system's efforts to instil a sense of digital citizenship among students, acknowledging the prevalence of cell phones and the need to strike a balance in their usage. The administration is keen on teaching students when to put their phones down and remain focused on their studies.

In addition to the mirror removal, Southern Alamance Middle School is implementing the Smart Pass digital hall pass system. This system allows students to check in and out of class digitally, providing school staff with a more efficient means of tracking students' whereabouts for safety and accountability reasons. Officials believe that these measures will contribute to a more focused learning environment by minimizing disruptions.

The school administration emphasised its commitment to limiting distractions so that students can concentrate on their studies. They conveyed this message to parents in a letter, reassuring them that while these changes might be an adjustment, they are aimed at fostering a better learning environment.

Notably, the digital hall pass system was introduced without incurring additional charges, as it seamlessly integrates into the existing software used by the school and the district. This cost-effective solution aligns with the school's overarching goal of providing a safe, accountable, and distraction-free learning environment for its students.

Southern Alamance Middle School's decision to remove restroom mirrors and implement a digital hall pass system reflects a proactive approach to addressing the challenges posed by excessive restroom visits and the use of technology during class time. These measures underscore the school's commitment to promoting responsible digital behaviour and maintaining a focused educational atmosphere.


Southern Alamance Middle School TikTok Videos Mirrors Removed Responsible Tech Use