
I'm Here To Do My Job: US Reporter Stiff-Arms Fan Trying to Interrupt Her Broadcast

The US reporter was on-site reporting after the game when a rowdy fan attempted to video bomb her: 'Get the hell out of my face when I'm working'

Pavi Vyas
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I'm Here To Do My Job: US Reporter Stiff-Arms Fan Trying to Interrupt Her Broadcast
US Journalist, Samantha Rivera is being praised on the internet for how she handled a rough obnoxious fan while covering a sports game. 

In a viral clip, a fan can be seen trying to get into her live coverage of the reporting of the game. Rivera threw a stiff arm, repeating "no, nope, nope" in the process. The fan quickly gave up, and she went straight into the next segment.

Samantha Rivera fends Off fan during live reporting: 

When Rivera was covering the game of Golden Vegas Knight's 7-2 win over Florida Panthers in Las Vegas, one brawler fan tried to interrupt the live reporting of the reporter. 

This fan tries to interrupt by trying to come into the camera and shouting while Rivera was speaking. Any random man shouting and trying to invade a space where you are working would be frightening on its own. But this brave-hearted woman wasn't intimidated by this rowdy and distracted her from her work.

Her eyes dotted to her camera, Samantha stiffly arms this misconducted man with one hand while holding her mic in her other hand. She softly pushes this man away from the range of her camera just saying "nope" and continued covering her report.

During her reporting for the second game, Samantha also addressed the incident by subtly adding amidst her report saying that's not the kind of fan you want to be right?


Rivera later tweeted about the incident, "Listen, I don't give a damn about what team you're rooting for get the hell out of my face when I'm working and respect that I'm here to do my job." 

This is not the first time we are hearing cases of journalists being harassed not just by goons but also by civilians. These journalists get on the field to connect the common man to the world and are important pillars of society. Yet we fail to treat the ones doing their job for us right.

You can watch the video of the incident here.

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Women Journalists