
Netflix Re-Releasing Titanic? Here's Why Netizens Are Fuming

Streaming giant Netflix is facing intense backlash and widespread condemnation for its controversial decision to re-release the iconic film Titanic by James Cameron.

Priya Prakash
New Update
25th Anniversary Of Titanic

A still from Titanic

Days after the tragic sinking of the Titan tourist submersible, resulting in the loss of all five lives aboard, Netflix decided to bring the award-winning film Titanic back to the platform. 

The streaming giant is now facing intense backlash and widespread condemnation for its controversial decision to re-release the iconic film Titanic by James Cameron. 

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Netflix plans to bring back the Oscar-winning 1997 film to its streaming platform on July 1, exclusively in the United States and Canada.

The streaming platform's choice has ignited a firestorm of anger and indignation among numerous social media users With emotions running high, many social media users are expressing their outrage, criticising Netflix for what they perceive as its insensitivity towards the recent tragedy. The re-release of Titanic has sparked a heated debate on the platform's responsibility when it comes to timing and the impact it can have on public sentiment.

Netflix Re-Releasing Titanic?

One Twitter user expressed their deep concern, saying how it's incredibly disturbing that there's already a documentary about the Titanic incident on Netflix. He added that since it hasn't even been a week since the tragedy, it's a questionable step from Netflix. Another user criticised Netflix's decision, remarking that Netflix wasted no time in capitalising on the recent submersible incident. They immediately added Titanic back to their streaming lineup.

Submersible Tragedy


US Coast Guard authorities have confirmed that five passengers on the submersible named Titan, which was conducting a dive to explore the wreckage of the British passenger liner Titanic at a depth of 13,000 feet in the North Atlantic Ocean, died in a devastating implosion. CNN reported the incident, describing it as a "catastrophic implosion" that occurred last week.

Following an extraordinary five-day international search operation near the renowned Titanic shipwreck site, a remotely operated vehicle discovered the tail cone and other debris of the submersible approximately 1,600 feet away from the bow of the Titanic. The wreckage was found on the ocean floor, about 900 miles east of Cape Cod, Massachusetts.

The US Coast Guard authorities confirmed that passengers aboard the Titan, which is operated by OceanGate, a private US company offering submersible tours to the Titanic, tragically perished in the implosion. The Washington Post, citing experts, reported that the company operated in a legal grey area in international waters, launching the American-made submersible from a Canadian vessel.

During the search, a remotely operated vehicle discovered multiple significant pieces of debris from the Titan submersible. Paul Hankins, the US Navy's director of salvage operations and ocean engineering, stated that the debris found aligned with a catastrophic loss of the pressure chamber, leading to a devastating implosion, as reported by CNN.

Suggested Reading: Why The Titanic Disaster Continues To Enthral?


Netflix titanic