
Hate On Rise? One-Third Of Asians In US Faced Racial Abuse In 2023

According to AAPI Data and The Associated Press-NORC Centre, one-third of Asian Americans, including Indian Americans, have experienced racial abuse in the past year, being subjected to verbal, physical, and cyberbullying.

Oshi Saxena
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In the face of ongoing efforts to combat anti-Asian racism, a disturbing reality persists: approximately a third of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders report experiencing acts of abuse based on their race or ethnicity in the past year. This includes instances of verbal harassment, slurs, physical threats, and cyberbullying, according to a recent poll conducted by AAPI Data and The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.


About 2 in 10 Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (23%) reveal they have faced verbal harassment or abuse in the past year, with 22% having been subjected to racial or ethnic slurs. 1 in 10 reported being physically assaulted or threatened. Furthermore, a significant portion (33%) claims to often or sometimes face discrimination during job applications based on their race or ethnicity.

The Underreported Reality

The alarming figures don't capture the full extent of the issue. The FBI reported a 7% increase in hate crimes overall, but anti-Asian incidents, although down 33% from 2021, remain underreported. Stephanie Chan, director of data and research at Stop AAPI Hate, emphasizes the reluctance of Asian Americans to report such crimes, indicating that the true levels of anti-Asian hate may be even higher.

Lukewarm Sentiments Towards Biden

Surprisingly, despite advocacy efforts, President Joe Biden receives lukewarm ratings from Asian Americans, with only 52% viewing him favourably. Concerns about his age and perceived performative actions raise questions about his effectiveness in addressing racism. Vice President Kamala Harris, despite being of Asian American and African American descent, also faces scepticism, with only 47% approval.

Trump's Lingering Shadow


Former President Donald Trump faces even greater scepticism, with 7 in 10 Asian Americans expressing an unfavourable opinion of him. Interestingly, potential Indian American candidates Vivek Ramaswamy and Nikki Haley remain largely unknown to the community.

Diverse Perspectives on Racism

The survey reveals a spectrum of political views within the AAPI community. While some, like Tia Davis, a Pacific Islander and Black California resident, downplay racism concerns and praise Trump, others switched from Republican to Democrat due to such concerns. The diversity of opinions highlights the complexity of addressing racism within the community.

Future Outlook and Perceptions

Many Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders express pessimism about the future, with 50% believing they are somewhat likely to be victims of discrimination in the next five years. Additionally, 40% fear being the target of a hate crime. Despite this, Chan of Stop AAPI Hate hopes the poll will shed light on the broader spectrum of anti-Asian discrimination, urging attention to everyday acts impacting lives. This poll underscores the ongoing challenges faced by Asian Americans, including those of Indian descent, in terms of discrimination and the pressing need for broader awareness and action against such bias in the United States.

The poll's findings expose a troubling reality: anti-Asian racism persists, impacting the lives of a significant portion of the AAPI community. As the nation grapples with these challenges, it becomes imperative to address the underreported nature of these incidents, foster a more comprehensive dialogue, and work towards creating a society where diversity is celebrated rather than targeted.


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Racism Asians Hate Crime Racial abuse Asian Americans