
UK Woman's Ear Pain For Weeks Turns Out To Be Spiders Nesting Inside

A woman from Cheshire used an earbud camera to discover what the pain and itchiness in her ear were all about. She was horrified to find spiders nesting inside, leaving her ears bleeding.

Tanya Savkoor
New Update
woman finds spiders nesting inside ears

Image: Lucy Wild / SWNS

A woman from Cheshire in the United Kingdom found spiders nesting inside her ear, which caused her ears to hurt and itch for weeks. Lucy Wild said she made the scathing discovery when she used an earbud camera to check what the disturbance in her ear was all about. The 29-year-old said she pulled out a spider from her ear three weeks prior, but the pain had continued. When she used the Smartbud camera to check inside her ear, she found that the spiders had built a nest inside.


According to a report in the Mirror, the mom-of-three said that doctors have cleared her ear now, but she is still emotionally scarred by the ordeal. "It was like something out of Stranger Things!" Wild said, expressing that the matter felt like it was straight out of a fantasy movie.

Spiders Nesting Inside Ears?

Lucy Wild, a part-time teacher and content creator narrated the story on her social media platform. She described her reaction and feelings over her discovery in great detail, explaining how emotionally and physically painful the bizarre experience felt.

"It looked like you were going into the upside down. I don't know what it left in my ear that was black but maybe it cut my ear.. I know some spiders have babies on their legs and back. I was very confused as to how it even got in there, how does a spider get in your ear and you not know about it... I was petrified thinking there might be another one," she described.

Wild first felt irritation, like a "crackling", in her ear in October, but assumed it was wax buildup. When she used the earbud camera to check, she found a spider inside. She called the UK emergency hotline 111 and took the critter out using olive oil, she said. When she pulled out the spider, which she said was about a centimetre in size, her ears were bleeding and she couldn't hear clearly.

"The blood concerned me so I went to see a doctor the next day... and I couldn't really hear. The doctor gave me antibiotics, I took those for a week and thought that's it - but then I felt pain in my ear again and that's when I recorded it," she said. What she thought was the end of her suffering was only the tip of the iceberg, as the earbud camera later caught a black substance irritating her ear.


She visited a doctor and was shocked to hear that it was a nest that the spiders left. "At the ENT appointment as soon as he saw the video and looked inside my ear he said he'd never seen it before," she said. Wild then had to undergo a painful suction procedure to flush out all the gunk from her ear. "I actually vomited while he was doing the procedure it was that painful... It was the most excruciating pain I've ever felt... I'd rather go through childbirth or a C-section again," Wild claimed.

Lucy Wild said that she was lucky she had an earbud camera at home. "People should invest in a Smartbud... you need to know what's going on in your ears," she warned her followers. She shared the unpleasant visuals that her camera caught from inside her ear. She shared that she would update her followers in two weeks post-recovery.


Surgery UK Woman foreign objects spiders growing inside ears