
How To Break Up With Someone In The Fairest Way Possible?

Netizens suggest that being gentle, honest and direct can be the most useful ways of letting someone go.

Bhavya Saini
New Update
fairest way to break up
What is the fairest way to break up with someone? Breakups can be hard especially when you are the one taking the leap. It can be hard to let down someone's expectations of you, yet make the right call when you know things aren't working between you two. As much as one tries to end things swiftly and gently, there's a lot of pain involved, nonetheless, rather better than hurting someone while being with them. Netizens suggest the fairest way to break up with someone, check them out:

Do you need things to end with your partner? Are you guys parting away? Do you believe it'll probably be best if you guys get separated? If you have such thoughts about your relationship, probably its best to part ways even if you feel deeply about you partner. Yet leaving someone is not always as easy as it may sound. People often try to look for ways which may not hurt their partners as much while breaking up.

To address this dilemma, netizens have suggested fair and gentle ways of parting ways with partner in a Reddit thread. Here's what they had to say:

One social media user The_timps suggested a mature way of dealing with breakups saying that one should be direct. The user wrote, " Use "I" in sentences, not "we", and never "you". You want to communicate that there ARE reasons you don't want to be there. But you don't want to be lecturing on what they are." The user further suggested that one should break up at a private space instead of creating a drama in public.

Another user suggested that the second you start thinking "it's not working", one should be honest about how they feel and why they are feeling that way with their partner. "If you're not feeling it, you need to tell them as soon as you reasonably can," the user wrote.

Terpichor wrote, " If you're looking for an easy out, there isn't one. If it's easy then you definitely should no longer be with that person. It's going to be hard, and it will probably hurt for both of you," further adding that one needs to be respectful as mentioned by others but stressing on the fact that there's no "ideal breakup".

You can love a person but still come to the realization that you can't be with them anymore or that the relationship just isn't going to work long term. Don't bash them over the head with past mistakes.


Kanuckdesigner said that one needs to be honest while breaking up yet it can be surely difficult. The user mentioned, "You can love a person but still come to the realization that you can't be with them anymore or that the relationship just isn't going to work long term. Don't bash them over the head with past mistakes." Another user added that one should not ask the partner to be friends after breaking up if they don't mean it saying, "Then your ex feels like a fool when she asks if you want to do friend stuff and you clearly don't want to."

To sum it all up, breakups are never a piece of cake. There are a lot of emotions involved from both ends which makes it so much more difficult. And despite the common idea that it mostly hurts the dumpee, it's equally hard for the dumper as well. Yet being with someone in an unhappy relationship is equally devastating, toxic and peace consuming.

Suggested Reading: Five Hindi Films That Taught Us How Breakups Are Not Always Bad


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