
This Women's Day, We Don't Want Coupons But Demand Respect And Equality

Women’s Day is supposed to be a celebration of powerful stories of women, but commercialising the day is not a way to recognise them

Rudrani Gupta
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Weird Customs On Women's Day, 6 Things Indian Moms Should Stop Doing From This Women's Day:
Women’s Day is around the corner. Everyone is indulged in preparing empowering posts for women. Some are collecting stories of successful women, some are speaking about the issues women face and others are recognising the importance of women in their lives. But there is another group that performs weird customs on women's day that makes us burst into laughter!

Women’s Day not only brings along the excitement of seeing some powerful stories of women, but also the cringe of seeing some people stooping down to a level of reminding us that patriarchy still exists. In this article, we will see what these people do and why we women don’t want them to repeat.

Dear Men, Please Don't Repeat These Weird Customs On Women's Day

  1. “When is Men’s Day” memes

On women’s day, we all wake up to memes that talk about men. These people find the relevance of men on women’s day forgetting the fact that men’s day too exists. Memes of feminism being unequal, anti-men and discriminative circulate on the internet.

But dear people, men’s day exists too. Just check the calendar once before blurting out from your empty vessel.

  1. Women are devis


Other very problematic and cringe-worthy posts are those that compare women with goddesses. If ">women’s day was for goddesses, then which day is for common women? ‘

Let me remind you, men who worship goddesses are also abusive. Goddesses are worshipped as women with power. But women in common are never given power over men or male gods. We are not goddesses, but we are creating our own identities. We don't need crimson, aarti and bhog. We need respect, equality and safety. For once, bring us down the pedestal of goddesses and recognise the banality of being a woman.

  1. Women’s Day gifts

How many of you receive gifts, discounts and offers on Women’s Day? All of us isn’t it? Men, shopping complexes and companies offer gifts and discounts to women on this day to make us feel ‘special’.

But do you not realise that you are just commercialising women and the day that is made to recognise women? We, women, are not hungry for discounts. We need respect and equality.

  1. Women’s Day messages


On Women’s Day, we all get messages and WhatsApp forwards that wish women as if it is their birthday. But you know what? A man who never helped his wife in the kitchen will also wish her Women’s Day. An Uncle who never looked beyond the breasts also give gifts on this day. So what is the use?

Hence, if you really want to wish women, then mean it actually. Women’s Day is not our birthday that you make us wear hats and sit like a toddler. It is the day when everyone should recognise the essence of women and thank them for their presence. Treating her like a queen one day and a maid the other day doesn’t mean that you celebrate women’s day.

  1. Shaming women

Yes. Many people shame women on women’s day. Posts of women dominating women are circulated on the internet labelling it sarcastically as women’s day. In families too, men do not accept that day like this exists. But when it comes to men’s day, you can rarely find posts that shame men. Everyone boasts of how important men are in society.

Well, yes men are important. But as humans, not as someone who feed off others’ happiness. Sharing videos of women beating men, making them do work or torturing them doesn’t mean you are raising awareness. It just means you hate women and get disturbed by the fact that there is a day to celebrate them. That you can’t even let a day pass without placing men in women’s life. If you want to raise awareness, do it every day. Not particularly on women’s day. When men’s day is for men, then women’s day too should be for women, not against them.

Views expressed are the author's own. 


Suggested Reading: This Women’s Day, We Break The Long-Standing Debate Of ‘What Women Want’

Women's Day 2023 International Women's Day