
Moaning Has Nothing To Do With Female Orgasm. So Why Do Women Do It?

Do women moan during sex out of pleasure or simply to boost their partner's confidence? A recent study has some answers.

Ritika Joshi
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Female orgasms and UFOs have many things in common, they are both shrouded in mystery and sightings are often faked. Why has the natural process of female orgasms been treated as a mystical occurrence that only takes place once in a blue moon? New studies are constantly revealing new information about female orgasms. One such study revealed that moans and female orgasms are not as closely intertwined as people were led to believe.

A new study published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine evaluated the Orgasm Rating Scale (ORS) and Bodily Sensations of Orgasm Scale (BSOS) for pre-menopausal women, peri-menopausal women, and post-menopausal women through conducting surveys.

According to the study, moaning is not an accurate measure of pleasure and technically is not considered part of the female orgasms. So the belief that moans and female orgasms are interlinked was inaccurate.

Moans Are Not A Common Occurrence During Female Orgasms

The survey showed that when it came to the Bodily Sensations of Orgasm Scale (BSOS), extragenital sensations, genital sensations, and sweating were popular reactions to sexual stimulation. Moaning was one of the least popular reactions. In fact, the study found it to be significantly absent and researchers suggested discounting it from being a measure of pleasure.

However, while this study only shows that moans are not an accurate measurement of pleasure, it does not mean that moaning is not an aspect of a person’s sex life.

A 2012 study showed that moaning can be linked to leading a more satisfying sex life for all partners. Therefore, while moaning cannot be considered a measure of pleasure, it can serve to improve sex lives. Unfortunately, a majority of times women consciously moan to boost their partner’s confidence and it is not a natural physical response.


Moans And Female Orgasms Do Not Go Hand In Hand

A study collected data from sexually active heterosexual women and asked them questions about “vocalisation” during sex. The study found that women are often quietest when they are receiving pleasure, and tend to vocalise or moan when the sex feels uncomfortable or boring. Many of the women reported that they would vocalise and moan when they sensed that their partner was close to climax to boost their self-esteem.

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If a majority of the moans and vocalisations take place when the female isn't close to a climax, why is moaning seen as a common expression of sexual pleassure among women? Has this idea been shaped by pornography? Is moaning a way for women to preserve their relationships, which could be jeopardise if their partners feel that they are unable to sexually satiate them?

Suggested Reading: Why Are Men Having More Orgasms Than Women In Heterosexual Relationships?


The problem is that during intercourse, the focus is mostly on male pleassure and boosting their confidence. Even the act of moaning is performed by women for these two purposes.

While moans can boost a partner’s self-esteem, faking moans sends mixed signals and solidifies the partner’s belief that their sex life is satisfactory for both parties. Moaning can only improve the sex life of all partners if it is a natural response to stimuli rather than a faked reaction.

Rather than focusing on making their partners feel good and neglecting themselves, women need to allow themselves to seek pleasure. Sex needs to be more conversational, instead moaning in response to their touch, why not specifically tell them how you want to be pleasured? What you like and what you don't during sex?

There’s nothing wrong with voicing your needs and wants. But this won't be normalised in our bedrooms until we shift the focus and talk openly about mutual pleasure and the need to change the language of sex.

Views expressed are the author’s own

sexual pleasure female orgasms