
Women Of Internet Share What Laws They Would Pass If They Ruled The World

So in which world will these laws ever come into effect?

Chokita Paul
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A section of Reddit concentrates on asking women to be more vocal about their thoughts, lives and experiences. It provides them with a place where all women can feel comfortable and candid in sharing their responses. As a non-judgemental space, the group curates their responses by promoting respectful, healthy and on-topic discussions. It is important to note that the community does not uphold quarrels like other debate subreddits. 

Three days ago, it posted, “If you ruled the world, what would your first law be?” A lot of empowering and insightful responses popped up. Here’s a list. 

What Would You Do If You Ruled The World?

Some said that one of the laws needs to be: People should seek their counsellor’s advice before having children or petting animals. “I love that one! And they have to undergo training to learn how to take care of them,” said a user in support of the post.

It is indeed stunning how people are thrown into parenthood without a minimum of mandatory knowledge. It could be terrifying for a woman to get pregnant and push a human being from her body without even being ready for it or with no knowledge on how they should  look after it. For that, an unbiased and non-judgemental therapist is a go-to person. 

Suggested Reading: The Women Who Rule The House Of Cards


Making It Mandatory For Schools To Teach Students The Things They Can Apply In Life

“I’d make it compulsory for schools to teach students stuff that one would actually need to apply in life. You know, things like self-defence or how to pay your fucking taxes. Sure other stuff like trigonometry will be there too but one doesn't need trigonometry in everyday life as much as one needs to know how to pay taxes and protect themselves,” says a user. Indeed, schools need to teach basic sensible adulting lessons to prepare kids on facing what Monica calls “the big bad real world out there.”

Universal Access To Basic Human Rights

This may sound cliche but it is so true and apt. From housing, food, and healthcare to education: According to another user, there needs to be a law for criminalising having a billion dollars. Either they spend it for the betterment of society or get taxed and forever lose the possibility of seeing their wealth.

“No Dynasty And Old Crusty Men In Politics”


Why does this make so much sense? 

Protection From Abuse

All beings must be equally protected from abuse and neglect and treated with dignity. 

No Travel Visas 

Of course, what an idea to move and travel anywhere we feel like! Also, we would appreciate this because if our partner is an Undocumented Immigrant, we might not have to worry every day. 

Eliminate Pedophiles


If only this were a law! 

Ban Usage Of Toxic Chemicals

Wish we could stop using toxic chemicals in foods and drinks and medicines even in trace amounts. And also in crops. A law that ensures teaching farmers how to cope without the heavy use of pesticides and herbicides - sounds like a pipedream. Also one needs to acknowledge that they are the ones who give us food and nutrition. 

The views expressed are the author's own.

Reddit reddit thread