Melinda Gates motherhood mantras to uplift the cause of women across the world. For Mother's Day, we look at her outlook towards empowering the voices of all who choose to be mothers.
She is one of the world's foremost philanthropists, known for breathing force into several social causes, most prominently into that of bringing women to an equal footing in education, employment, opportunity, dignity and endeavour. But she's also a mother. Melinda Gates, with former husband Bill Gates, has three children - two daughters and a son - namely Jennifer, Phoebe and Rory respectively.
Given the sensitivity and grit she has co-run The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation so far with, the 56-year-old possesses wisdom on motherhood that inspires both parents and their children to grow together. This has been apparent in the words she has scattered globally. Words that carry the weight of the past and hope for the future.
Melinda Gates Motherhood Quotes That Are Golden:
1. On how her own mother, Elaine Agnes Amerland, has been an influence
"My mom loved that I had big dreams for myself... she ensured I went to college and encouraged me to be whoever I wanted to be in the world," she wrote for Shondaland in 2019. "She also gave me a piece of advice I've carried in my heart ever since: If you don’t set your own agenda, someone else will."
2. On what she envisions for the daughters of the world
"My hope for my daughters—and all of our daughters—is that they will have the freedom to make the decisions that work for them, the chance to live the lives they dream of and that they will always live in a world that values the stories of women and their experiences."
In the unbridled dreams of children, she says, lies the world's future.
3. On the importance of giving flight to daughters' dreams
"When the life of a girl is all planned out by someone else, those plans serve everyone but the girl. I'm grateful that my mother taught that me the hopes and dreams of a girl are a precious thing— and that they deserve to be listened to."
4. On how she has raised her own children
"If I wanted my daughters and son to truly believe that women can do anything, I needed to model that for them," Gates wrote for Marie Claire in 2018.
5. On recognising the need for empathy and action towards moms everywhere
"The world is full of what seem like intractable problems. Often we let that paralyse us. Instead, let it spur you to action... So when you see a mother and her children suffering in another part of the world, don't look away. Look right at them. Let them break your heart, then let your empathy and your talents help you make a difference in the lives of others."