
Ended Toxic Marriage To Reclaim Identity, Seek Better Life For Son: Bhagyashri Daryani

Bhagyashri Daryani opened up about her toxic marriage, why she decided to end it, motherhood bliss, and why choosing herself was the most challenging yet significant decision of her life.  

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Bhagyashri Daryani
Bhagyashri Daryani was all of 22 when she tied the knot. She gave birth to her son at 24 and while, on one hand, she was embracing motherhood, she was also enduring a toxic marriage on the other.

In this conversation with SheThePeople, Bhagyashri Daryani opened up about her toxic marriage, why she decided to end it, how her son makes her motivated to stay happy, and why choosing herself was the most challenging yet significant decision of her life.

Bhagyashri Daryani Story

“I got married at 22 and separation was never supposed to be a part of my journey. At 24, I became a mother. I endured a toxic marriage for 8 years only for my son with the hope that things will get better. But with time, it just got worse. Only last year I got the courage to separate. I decided to end this phase as I and my son deserved a better future. I decided to take a divorce in 2022 with my parents and my son by my side and moved to a different city to start all over again. Now, I am a single mother who loves travelling. My parents and my education always supported me. I started earning and built it all again from scratch.

Finally, after many years of dealing with the stress of the divorce and handling it the best way I could, I decided to share my journey on Instagram with people. To my surprise, I got immense support, and they have become my extended family members. I found that being able to express myself was not only easy but therapeutic. I also discovered a new circle of support and a feeling of not being alone. It was all part of my process and over the last two years, it has all become part of my daily life.

Focused on my mental and emotional health, little did people notice the pain behind my smile. But I never gave up! When life got tough, I wrote 2 books and received an award for my content, and found solace.

Giving up was an easier option, but I started again every day. So, you just have to be brave, take the risk, and hope that everything turns out for the best. Either do that or continue where you are and kick yourself for not trying harder. I had to raise my son without any childhood traumas and for that, I had to step out and that’s what I did. I never took any allowance from my ex-husband, nor did I ask him to support me financially. I stood up for myself and I’m proud every single day. I quietly endured everything for eight long years just for my son and then I ended it for him. And for my son, a thousand times over!”


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Stories of divorce single mothers toxic marriage single mother story Bhagyashri Daryani motherhood