
Valentine Self-Love: Gather your single friends and have a blast 

The idea is to never expect other people to treat you special. Imagine how wonderful and content you will be if you treat yourself exactly the way you want other people to.

Ratan Priya
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Why not be your own Valentine? Why can't we gather all the love we can find in ourselves and shower it on ourselves? What holds us back?

Every year on 14th February, many of us find ourselves suffering from the lack of love in our lives. And it doesn't make sense because even when we do not always have a special someone or a romantic partner, we are never really out of love. After all, Valentine's Day is about love and if anyone deserves the most love from you is nobody but you.  Here's how you can love yourself this February 14:

Visit a place where you can hear yourself think

We all need some introspection from time to time, and it is a perfect way to collect all the fleeting thoughts that hardly find space to settle in our busy lives. Sit under a tree, your favourite window, near a beach (if you're lucky to have one near you), a park bench or any place you can find some alone time and think. Think about the arguments you could have made, things that you love, things that upset and just board the choo-choo train of your thoughts and take off for a while. 

Gift yourself something you always think about but never buy 

Retail therapy for the win. Some of us have enough money to buy our favourite things but somehow we always stall. Always keeping it aside for future or a special occasion. Well, Valentine's Day is an occasion special enough to splurge, and by splurging on yourself, you will not regret wasting your money on someone who doesn't value it more than you do. 


Gather your single friends and have a blast 

Who says only couples can enjoy valentine's day? It can also be a day when you and your friends find another excuse to hang and chill a bit. You could go to movies, your favourite place to eat, drink, play games and whatever the heck you feel like. 

be your own valentine

Make a list of movies and binge away 

You know of all people that the reason behind you not catching up on movies and books is not your busy schedule. The reason you keep stalling is something else. Find time for yourself and make it happen at last. The sense of achievement one gets after finally watching a movie they have long been looking forward to is surreal. 

Be your own Valentine: It can also be a day when you and your friends find another excuse to hang and chill a bit


Pamper yourself, eat some cake 

Well, if you like eating cake then cut one for yourself. Make it your day, a day you celebrate your love for yourself. If you like the good-old champi get one done. If you like getting a facial, go to a salon. Basically treat your skin, hair, stomach and eyes with whatever you like and can manage. 

The idea is to never expect other people to treat you special. Imagine how wonderful and content you will be if you treat yourself exactly the way you want other people to. This way you will never be out of love. 

Every year on 14th February, many of us find ourselves suffering from the lack of love in our lives. Don't suffer. Be your own Valentine!

Views expressed are author's own

My Own Valentine! singlehood Valentine's Day