
8 Times Milind Soman Celebrates His Fitness Icon Mother Usha

Fitness influencer Milind Soman's 81-year-old mother has proved that 'age is just a number' as she participates in a number of marathons and treks.

Shriya Sarang
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Usha Soman, milind soman's mom, usha soman,

Milind Soman who is a fitness lover and influencer himself has got it all from his mum. He is often found appreciating his mother's spirit that too at her age. And has celebrated the fitness of Usha Soman in many of his social media posts.


Milind Soman Celebrates His Mother's Fitness

The 81-year-old Usha Soman is seen exercising with her son and daughter-in-law. Her spirit and simplicity in life are also appreciated by the people through the internet. She also said, "I don’t believe in these fads about having a high protein diet with a specific amount of carbohydrates and all. If you really think about it, our traditional food was absolutely balanced. I just stick to that."

1. Make every day Mother's Day - Milind Soman

Sharing a video of him along with his mother, Milind Soman wrote in the caption, "It's never too late. Usha Soman, my mother. 80 years young. Make every day Mother's Day."

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2. Mother's day plank by Usha


The caption read, "1min 20sec plank for Mother's day! Not her personal best." It hinted towards Usha's capacity of the plank being more than a minute and a half.Milind Soman usha 2

3. Best kind of social distancing

Milind Soman shared a throwback picture of Khangchendzonga and Chomolungma trek with his mother and wife. Himalayan Mountaineering Institute, Darjeeling said that Usha Soman is the oldest woman to have taken upon this trek.

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4. Celebrating the 81st Birthday with pushups

'Party with 15 pushups and a jaggery vanilla almond cake,' said the caption as the fitness inspiration became 81 years young.


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5. Mother's day with something healthy

Instead of bringing in sweets and oily foods, the Soman family had a healthy party for mother's day.

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6. Beating daughter-in-law in a race

Usha Soman beats her daughter-in-law in a race on their terrace. The caption reads, "28 and 81 ! Be fit at every age."


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7. Pinkathon marathon

The Pinkathon ambassador took his mum and wife running and shared an inspiring picture for fitness. The caption said, "1st November 2020 - The UNSTOPPABLE Ambassadors of Pinkathon along with team Pinkathon organised the biggest running event in the world since February with almost 20,000 participants across 237 locations in 10 countries! Pinkathon Day 3.0 is a huge success, with thousands of women and children taking their first steps to fitness, with a pledge to commit some time every day to physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing (smiley face emoji) NO MATTER WHAT!!"

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8. Sharing a picture from her youth

"Her attitude to most things in her life is not to question, but to accept. She is a fatalist, but Aai’s brand of fatalism is not a bad thing," said Milind Soman in the caption as he recalled his mother from her youth. Further he added, "It does not translate to a weak, passive submissiveness to whatever the universe throws at her; instead, it's a winning combination of three things: a calm acceptance of what is, a conviction that it's not personal and a will to win, to find the best way to get around it that causes the least distress to all concerned."

The strong message he gave the masses was," The universe exists in a mother's love."

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Milind Soman's mom Usha Soman gives us all goals many times over!
Usha Soman fitness Milind Soman