This is a question nearly every girl asks at least once. Is it safe to have sex during periods? And then add to that other important questions like 'will I get pregnant if I have sex during periods?"
- It's considered perfectly normal to have sex during periods, if you would like to
- Periods should not come in the way of you wanting to have sex or your desire to make out.
- For some women sex during periods is pleasurable, less stressful. It's a personal preference
- Because of the presence of natural blood, external lubrication is often not needed during sex.
- Sexual activity can also help release stress and the exercise can help reduce period pain. Of course this is not the case for all, hence the choice of having sex must be made based on how you feel as an individual.
“If the patient is comfortable with it, then it’s great to continue having sex throughout the month and not have to take a break,” says physician Tara Ford in this report. “It’s perfectly natural and safe for both partners.”
What to Know
But before having sex, one must be aware of sexually transmitted diseases such as AIDs and others. We should also be aware of one's own and one's partners sexual diseases, infections so there is no transfer during intercourse, even during the period.
There is a change of infection when having any form of sex - oral, anal, or vaginal sex, or any form of skin-to-skin contact. This doesn't change whether you are on periods or not. Hence the answer is that if there is any infection in any partner, it can definitely get passed to the other during menstruation.
Important Questions we all have : Can I have sex during periods? Will I get pregnant during periods? How do I deal with the mess?
Will I Get Pregnant?
Doctors across the world have now ascertained that getting pregnant during periods is a possibility. These chances go up when women have shorter period cycles. Having sex at the end of the period cycle can potentially lead to pregnancy. Hence it is advisable to use condoms during period sex too.
These defensive measures ensure that an individual won't get infection and also prevent pregnancy to a very great degree. A sperm survives within the female reproductive system for up to five days. This means that a fraction of women do have a chance of becoming pregnant during periods.
How Does Your Cycle Work?
We all must know how our menstrual cycles work. Not in exact dates but more or less. A menstrual cycle lasts from the first day of menstrual bleeding to the day before bleeding begins the following month. The length of the cycle can be different for different persons, but is usually between 26–32 days long, with 28 days being the average.
The most fertile time of the menstrual cycle is between days 8 and 19.
Periods are Messy?
Sex during periods can get messy. Period sex is absolutely fine, as long as you both are okay with it. How chaotic it is relies upon how substantial your period flow is. Engaging in sexual relations on a day when your period flow is at its heaviest will be more chaotic than having intercourse when your period is fairly light. You'll presumably need to engage in sexual relations on a towel, or something different you wouldn't fret getting stained. A few people likewise decide to have intercourse in the shower, to downplay the wreck.
Important Things to Know
- Should not ever have sex with the tampon inside you.
- Talk about period sex. Ensure the two individuals are cool with it have a mutual consent. A few people would prefer not to have period sex, and that is fine.
- Couples may choose to not have intercourse during period sex. Be sure to discuss that.
- Remember that it's as yet conceivable to get pregnant in the event that you have intercourse during your period.
- Wearing a condom is recommended both for protection and to avoid any infections.