
After Sex Care Rituals That You Might Be Underplaying

Young couples usually assign more importance to the act itself and little to what happens after. After sex care is just as important as the act in itself.

Shivangi Mukherjee
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After Sex Care
Young couples usually assign more importance to the act itself and little to what happens after. After sex care is just as important as the act in itself.

A post by Kama Lab on Instagram talks about the act of crying during or after sex. The post conveys that such practices should be normalised and not frowned upon.

The post conveyed vagina owners might be more likely to tear up during the act. The post communicated that crying can naturally occur when the body is vulnerable, open, and relaxed.

Sometimes for people who have suffered from trauma, safe sex might feel like a privilege that they did not believe they were owed. When such an event does take place, they end up releasing their pent-up emotions through crying.

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After Sex Care Rituals That Are Underplayed

Just like crying, there are other rituals that are not normalised and may be frowned upon.

Sex fetishes are necessary as everyone should enjoy their freedom to express themselves how they like. However, the very same fetishes are also used to tow the line for what's acceptable, excluding all other practices in the process.


Quickies in the washroom, quickies in the elevator, and quickies just before office time will have their own takers. However, snuggling after a BDSM sesh might feel weird owing to their contrary natures.

Safe sex involves setting judgements aside and allowing one to grow in whichever direction they wish to. Therefore, even practices that seem contrary in nature when placed side by side should be allowed the space to exist.

Killing the moment

This very common accusation should be outdated when it comes to practicing safe sex. I may wish to sneeze midway between a kiss and I want that to be acceptable. I want to be able to pick up where I dropped off right after my sneeze. Of course, sneezing is just an example. It could be farts for you. But people should be allowed the space to be, well, people.

Acting Silly

I could be having an intense moment, but I decide to make silly faces in the middle of the act. Now that's just a hypothetical situation of me being me.

My reason for communicating the above example to you is to communicate that the act of sex is unnecessarily sexualised.

A 'sexy voice' or 'role play' can only work for so long. Being goofy in bed shouldn't be frowned upon and should be wholeheartedly welcomed.

Just Play No Orgasm

This is perhaps a contended subject. Women in general seem to enjoy fewer orgasms than men when with a man. However, sometimes some people read sex and orgasms synonymously.

Yes, orgasms are very important. But the focus need not always be on orgasming every time one has sex. Sometimes just tracing or drawing aimless circles on a partner's naked body can gain precedence. Other times perhaps it might just be a lot of exploring and trying out new things without focusing on orgasming.

Unfortunately, porn does not offer a realistic view of what sex could look like. Therefore, one must make that discovery for themselves by keeping an open mind.

Views expressed by the author are their own

sex rituals After Sex Care