
'Pulling Out Is Fun!': Why Do Men Prioritise Fun Over Safe Sex?

Yes yes, I'm talking about sex. I take to this article because a recent exchange on a meme with a guy had me thinking after he expressed 'pulling out is fun!' The meme conveyed a man having to marry a girl because he failed to pull out.

Shivangi Mukherjee
Updated On
New Update
Why Men Prioritise Fun Over Safe Sex?
Yes yes, I'm talking about sex. I take to this article because a recent exchange on a meme with a guy had me thinking after he expressed 'pulling out is fun!' The meme conveyed a man having to marry a girl because he failed to pull out. The connotation of the meme was that the girl must have conceived which is why the marriage had to take place.

When I expressed my views on the meme, the guy responded saying that pulling Out seemed like a fun activity. I seem to have mixed reactions to that statement. And I'm only penning an article on this in the hopes that this brings awareness on the subject of safe sex.

Men Prioritise Fun Over Safe Sex

I'm aware that different people have different preferences and I'm respectful of them. However, his statement conveyed a lack of awareness and insensitivity to me.

It also worried me because young girls often seem to depend on their boyfriends to know better than them when it comes to sex. This can land them into trouble because depending on someone else for their safety isn't a good idea.

While it is true that only semen can impregnate a vagina owner, it is also true that pulling out does not guarantee protected sex. Vagina owners can still conceive even when someone has pulled out.

Pregnancy is not the only risk associated with having unprotected sex. There is the risk of STDs which a condom is meant to ensure protection against for both the parties involved.


I could not help but think if he might have felt the same way should his male privilege be removed. If he had a vagina that was intrinsically disposed to conceiving would he have felt the same way about unprotected sex? Or do penis owners find pulling out fun because they do not have to bother about conceiving in the long run?

His statement appalled me for quite some time because it came from an adult man. I could have forgiven the statement if it came from a minor attributing it to the lack of sex education in institutions. However, as an adult, the onus falls on us to give ourselves the education we were denied and rear ourselves as better individuals.

Pulling out also conveys a certain sense of entitlement on the part of a penis owner and a co-dependency on the part of the vagina owner. Why do penis owners feel entitled to believe that vagina owners should entrust them with their safety?

The nature of physical acts between a couple is unquestionably private and should not be up for debate. However, what is up for debate is the assumption and the generalisation of the activity being a fun endeavour for both sexes involved.

It is also interesting to see how birth control pills enable penis owners to ejaculate into vagina owners by targeting the latter category instead of the former. If semen is what impregnates a womb then shouldn't that organ be controlled instead of controlling vaginas?


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Unprotected sex Pulling Out Is Fun