
What DTC’s 'Girl In Bikini' & Those Running Away From Her Tells Us

The recent controversy surrounding a girl dressed in a bikini on a DTC bus in Delhi is perplexing at many levels.

Mohua Chinappa
New Update

Image Sourced From NDTV

Appropriate dressing up for women is always debatable. Some argue that a hint of a visible cleavage is considered provocative. It may arouse a man and if he gropes you, it is because he had no control over his feelings and surely the woman deserved this. Therefore, women are trained since puberty to be cognisant of such situations. The burden rests on her shoulders. She must behave and remain in paranoia of not inadvertently turning on a man with her clothing, immodest behaviour or loud laughter. After all a man can be totally out of control with a sexy appearance. The advice is “he is a man”! 


To Wear Or Not To Wear

We all know that what works for the gander may not work for the goose, the rules of dressing up are different for both genders. Many men wear shorts outside and some wear lungis too. This for women is a very thought-through decision. Most would calculate the risks involved and would think before donning a pair of shorts especially in dark lanes or alleys. Her legs will be considered an indication of her sexual availability. Yet in the same space, men urinate in public spaces, being totally comfortable holding out their private parts as cars and buses zoom by. They have no fear of judgment or physical violence, unlike women. 

In Islamic countries, women are arrested and killed if they dare adopt the Western culture of showing skin and not being covered in a hijab. In fact in Kabul, women will be stoned to death if she is caught in a case of adultery. In all this horrific gender apartheid, where women toe the line, there still are cases of sexual assault and violence against them. 

In a country as large as India, majority of the women are free to dress as they wish. So many women who are now a part of the workforce, dress up in easier and comfortable clothing, like jeans, pants and shirts. Yet, they still feel insecure about the constant gaze of being under the lewd lens of many men. 

Controversy Around Woman Wearing Bikini In Bus

The recent controversy surrounding a girl dressed in a bikini on a DTC bus in Delhi is perplexing at many levels. This is definitely worth noting. Is it because of the constant validation that most seek in the hope of a viral post? As we know, many delusional individuals do live their lives on the internet validation. So, one can’t pinpoint the real reason, for her to act so out of place. Also, while most are scandalised by this incident, in the same breath, they do scroll and heart images of women in bikinis against the sea. This time, it is in a DTC bus, which definitely is not the norm. 


Renowned dancer Protima Bedi had run nude on the Mumbai beach. Ranveer Singh posed naked for a magazine cover. Therefore this isn’t new among celebrities, which also many wish to emulate. 

People have compared her to Uorfi Javed, who is known to wear almost nothing and is seen giving bold interviews about changing the gender rules unabashedly. Javed has been threatened online by a self-proclaimed culture saviour, that she would face consequences for her actions. But nothing could deter Javed. She continues entertaining the scrollers with her innovative clothing that is always revealing. In fact, Javed's brand image would go for a toss if she dressed up in any other way. 

We can’t ignore that society is at the cusp of change. Women are opening up online about their rights and questioning their place in an age-old system that is twisted with glaring sexual bias and inequality. 

It is to be noted that in Korea there is a no-marriage movement which is referred to as the “Four B”. 

This is a feminist movement which is purported to have originated in South Korea in 2019. Its proponents renounce dating men, marriage, sex with men and having children. Women now have begun engaging online in open discussions about navigating and envisioning a future without men. They are fed up with the imbalance that their mothers tolerated and lived through their lives. 

In 2023, a girl named Rhythm Chanana, wearing a bra and a miniskirt travelling in the Delhi Metro went viral. She hails from Punjab and comes from a traditional family. However, her radical and open views do not sit well with her other family members. 


There are many cases of youngsters who want to grab the eyeballs and become viral on social media with their defiant attitude, toward their bodies. We are yet to know the reason. This is also the era for men to regulate their brains and understand the long-term consequences of acting on impulse. He can’t touch a woman, just because she is half naked in public. 

Many argue that if a man can wear tiny shorts, then a woman wearing underwear is definitely pushing the boundaries, but also questioning the status quo that has existed undisputed for ages. 

Mohua Chinappa is an author, and poet and runs two podcasts called The Literature Lounge and The Mohua Show.

Views expressed are the author's own.

women clothing Delhi Transport Incidents Women Wearing Bikinis