
Video Of Woman Proposing Boyfriend In Front Of Temple Sparks Debate

A video showing a woman proposing to her boyfriend outside Kedarnath Temple has been doing the rounds on the internet. The girl dressed in a yellow saree is seen sitting on one knee holding a ring for her boy boyfriend.

Kalyani Ganesan
New Update
Woman Proposes Boyfriend At Kedarnath

Image Credits: Screengrab via Twitter

A video showing a woman proposing to her boyfriend outside Kedarnath Temple has been doing the rounds on the internet. The girl dressed in a yellow saree is seen sitting on one knee holding a ring for her boyfriend at one of India's most religious sites.

The man is seen praying when the girl gets on her knees and proposes to him with a ring. Surprised, the man takes a moment to understand and then becomes emotional. The couple is then seen sharing a tight hug.

Despite the video being really heartwarming and showing a beautiful moment between a happy couple, it has sparked a row online. Many netizens argued that this was why phones should not be allowed inside religious places.

Woman Proposes Boyfriend At Kedarnath

Sharing the video on Twitter, a user wrote that smartphones should be banned from all leading temples to eliminate unnecessary crowds. Another user supported the tweet by calling this incident "disrespectful and inappropriate." They claimed that this showed a lack of awareness and sensitivity towards religious statements and values, and how smartphones ruin the sanctity and serenity of sacred places.

A third user opposed it by asking why it was bad because they didn’t seem to bother anyone and simply had their special moment with complete respect. Extending their support to the couple, they commented that it was not an issue for people to get married or propose in front of a temple. They noted that people should read about Lord Shiva and Parvati and their immense love for each other. They pointed out that it was just a marriage proposal and that God is also married and has kids.

One of the users questioned, why is it acceptable to get married inside a temple but not to propose outside the temple. The couple just had their happiest moment without disturbing anyone or disrespecting any cultural or moral values. A lot of people take photos and videos of temples and holy places they visit, and that’s been the new norm in the past decade. Marriages and engagements happen inside the temple, and there's an exclusive crew to cover the joyous celebration. If that's acceptable, why isn't this?


As long as a couple does what they do without disturbing anyone else or disrespecting religious sentiments, what seems bothersome to the section of people who are opposing this incident? We read Indian epics, and most of our gods have beautiful love stories with their partners. There are sacred texts, scriptures, and sculptures that prove the same. Indian culture has never been averse to love. So what is the need to make mountains out of nothing over this video?

Is it because a woman proposed to a man, breaking the stereotypical view that men should be the ones to make the first move? Or is it because they shared a hug in front of the temple? Haven’t people ever seen the kind of sculptures inside the temples and holy shires or read epics where women have been the ones to make the first move?

Calling this incident "disrespectful and inappropriate" is irrational. This was just a couple sharing a beautiful moment of their lives in a holy place without disturbing anyone. So people really need to stop being critical about everything!

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kedarnath temple Woman Proposes Boyfriend