
Redefining Leadership With Empathy: A CEO's Perspective

At 27, I've learned a valuable lesson: overlooking the strength of empathy is a missed chance. When we nurture and prioritize it, empathy becomes a strategic asset, creating teamwork and driving both individuals and organizations toward collective success.

Gaurika Rai
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Women In Public Relation Industry, India Women Leadership

In today's dynamic landscape, leadership demands more than vision and grit. It craves human touch, an element often overlooked – empathy. This profound quality, once relegated to the realm of soft skills, holds the key to unlocking a transformative leadership paradigm.


At my organisation, Warp 'n Weft, I haven't simply embraced empathy; I have integrated it into the very fabric of our corporate culture. It's not just about knowing what each person needs; it's about working together and making sure everyone can do their best.

At the age of 27, I've learned a valuable lesson: overlooking the strength of empathy is a missed chance. When we nurture and prioritize it, empathy becomes a strategic asset, creating teamwork and driving both individuals and organizations toward collective success. This is particularly evident in the leadership styles of prominent leaders like Mary Barra and Ginni Rometty. Their empathetic approaches transcend industries, demonstrating their pivotal role in shaping a future-proof corporate landscape.

My approach acknowledges the vital role of emotional intelligence (EQ) and cultural intelligence (CQ) alongside traditional Intelligence Quotient (IQ). Building a team with exceptional technical skills is crucial, but equipping them with the emotional resilience and cultural awareness to navigate an ever-changing B2C environment is paramount. This inclusive method creates a positive workplace. Here, I don't just recognise an employee's effort; I appreciate and celebrate them, leading to shared success.

My confidence as a millennial CEO stems from the tangible impact I've witnessed. Empathetic leadership doesn't compromise on effectiveness; rather, it enhances it. It bridges generational and gender gaps, creating a cohesive team that thrives on diversity and mutual respect.

In the realm of work-life balance, the millennial mindset, characterized by a focus on mental health, personal fulfilment, and overall well-being, aligns seamlessly with the empathetic leadership I advocate. It underscores the importance of prioritizing the holistic growth of each team member, ensuring the workplace is not just a hub for professional development but a nurturing ground for personal growth, thereby creating a non-toxic work ambience.

I believe transformative change steers organizations towards a future marked by collaboration, inclusivity, and unparalleled success. My idea is simple: be a leader who truly cares and leads with kindness. And for the young minds starting their businesses, remember to “lead with your mind and build with empathy”.


Views expressed are the author's own.

Authored by Gaurika Rai, CEO, Warp ‘n Weft

Leadership Qualities Female leaders empathy